If You Score Less Than 5/12 On This You’re Going To Spend A Month With Mercury In Retrograde!

What’s your sign? You probably know your astrological sign, (you have to remember it when you check your horoscope) but do you know that’s actually called your sun sign? There’s tons of stuff no one knows about the zodiac. We bet you don’t know it either! Well, unless you’re an actual astrologer. (AShow More

What’s your sign? You probably know your astrological sign, (you have to remember it when you check your horoscope) but do you know that’s actually called your sun sign? There’s tons of stuff no one knows about the zodiac. We bet you don’t know it either! Well, unless you’re an actual astrologer. (Are you?)

Don’t worry, we’re not testing you on what makes a certain sign behave in a certain way or whether or not Capricorns are compatible with Tauruses (they’re not). This is hard and fast astrological terms. Is acing this quiz written in the stars for you? Well, you should check to see what the moon’s doing and where Jupiter is on your chart in order to properly predict how you’ll do. But more important than all that, you should check if Mercury is in retrograde – whatever that means. Okay, breathe. We’re sure you’ll do fine! Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short at least you’ll land among the stars. Yeah, we’ll see ourselves out…

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We've all heard the term "mercury in retrograde" and people use it as an excuse for everything, but what does it mean exactly?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • When Mercury, the planet of communication, is moving towards the Earth, making communication abundant and confusing.
  • When Mercury, is moving away from the Earth in its orbit, making all communication and day-to-day interactions stalled, stagnant, or misheard.
  • When Mercury physically moves backwards in its orbit, coming towards the Earth.
  • When Mercury opposes the Earth in its orbit and is stationed behind the sun.
  • When Mercury falls off its orbit due to the gravity of the sun and everything in your life also feels out of orbit.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!