Find Out Your Perfect Job With This Bad Habits Quiz

Everyone has their share of bad habits. Whether it be chewing your nails, talking loudly in public, or even picking your nose, it’s impossible not to be guilty of at least a few of these. Right? Don’t lie now, we know you’re not totally free of these! But did you know that your bad habits say a loShow More

Everyone has their share of bad habits. Whether it be chewing your nails, talking loudly in public, or even picking your nose, it’s impossible not to be guilty of at least a few of these. Right? Don’t lie now, we know you’re not totally free of these! But did you know that your bad habits say a lot about you? Yup, it’s true! If the eyes are the window to the soul, then your bad habits are definitely the windows to what your career should actually be. If you’ve been in need of a career change and are wondering what path is right for you, tell us about your most embarrassing habits and we’ll reveal your perfect job! Don’t believe that the two match? Well, you’ll find out how we’re able to come to that conclusion. Now stop chewing on that pen and let’s get started!

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Do you bite your nails?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • No! Do you know how much bacteria we have on our hands?
  • Sometimes, but I’m trying to stop…
  • Yep. My nails are tiny stubs.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!