Which Unpopular Celebrity Would You Most Enjoy Hanging Out With?

Wouldn’t it be tiring spending time with a celebrity who tries to act perfect all the time? It’d be a lot more fun to hang out with someone real, who admits they’ve got some flaws. 

Find out which underrated celebrity you’d hit it off with! They may have some unpopular traits, but they’ve gShow More

Wouldn’t it be tiring spending time with a celebrity who tries to act perfect all the time? It’d be a lot more fun to hang out with someone real, who admits they’ve got some flaws. 

Find out which underrated celebrity you’d hit it off with! They may have some unpopular traits, but they’ve got plenty of awesome strengths too! 

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Would you club a baby seal for a million dollars?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Yes, a there’s a lot I could do with a million bucks!
  • No, I could never hurt an innocent animal!
  • No, but I would go clubbing with a baby seal.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!