Are You a Good Wife?
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What kind of wife are you? The best kind, of course! But if you want to dig a little deeper try out our fun quiz. See if your spouse agrees with the results.Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. AShow More
What kind of wife are you? The best kind, of course! But if you want to dig a little deeper try out our fun quiz. See if your spouse agrees with the results.Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

It's 3 PM on a Saturday afternoon; where is your spouse?
- Don’t know, don’t care
- They’re out back, mowing the lawn
- They’re watching football, drinking beer, and enjoying the chicken wings I made
- They’re at the kids’ soccer game — we all are!
- We’re gardening together, side by side

How do you celebrate your wedding anniversary?
- Oh, we’re too busy to celebrate that!
- We plan a fun weekend getaway together
- They send me flowers, and we go on a romantic date
- I make reservations at my favorite restaurant, and lay out the right outfit for them
- We give each other a hug…if we remember

You're down with a bad cold. What happens next?
- All hell breaks loose, because my darling spouse can’t even boil an egg
- I write a detailed to-do list for my spouse
- My sweetheart nurses me back to health
- We muddle through
- My spouse lets the kids eat crap and watch too much TV

Crap — now your spouse is the one with the cold. What do you do?
- Make them my very own bone broth and freshly-squeezed orange juice
- Survival of the fittest — hope we have tissues!
- Load them up on zinc, vitamin C, and cold medicine…and send them straight to bed!
- Feel deeply resentful
- Read to them at their bedside

You and your spouse won a contest for an all-expense-paid night out on the town! What would you like to do?
Go dancing
Check out a new art exhibit
Have a picnic
Go out to dinner

Your partner is leaving for work. How do you say goodbye?
- We yell, “Love you!”
- I hand them a packed lunch, and take their coffee cup and newspaper
- …they’re leaving? I haven’t even noticed
- We do an outfit inspection at the door, and then I give them a peck on the cheek
- We make out at the door

What's your favorite thing about your partner?
- They’re a great parent
- They’re hot, and my best friend to boot
- They’re strong, and a good provider
- They know what’s best for them
- They’re fun and easy-going

When was the last time you two had a date night?
- I dunno; we do a lot of stuff together, I guess
- Third Friday of the month, promptly at 7 PM
- My sweetie surprised me a couple of weeks ago with dinner out
- Just last night!
- What’s date night?

OMG — there's a mouse in your kitchen! What do you do?
- Scream until my spouse gets rid of it
- Call an exterminator…immediately
- We cooperate in getting rid of it, and then spend 30 minutes comforting each other
- Get rid of it…duh!
- Hope the cats get it; I’m busy

What will you get your sweetie for Christmas this year?
- Something from their Amazon wishlist
- An experience we’ll share together
- Let my consult my gifting Pinterest board…
- Presents are for children
- I don’t know…a gift card?

Your honey is in the mood (wink wink). What do you do?
- Ugh, I’m too tired
- Go at it like wild monkeys
- Oblige with a smile
- If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening
- Glance around to make sure there aren’t any stray kids in the bed with us

How do you and your spouse go to bed?
- We roll into bed sometimes together, sometimes not
- I crash early because of the kids. Who knows about them?
- Bedtime is promptly at 10, lights out
- We can’t imagine going to bed at different times!
- I like it when we go to bed at the same time, but I’m not going to nag

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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