We Know Who You Really Are Based On Your Belly Button
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Nothing on the human body is quite as mysterious as the navel.
Forged from the ashes of live birth, the umbilical cord connecting mother to child is cast aside, leaving only a small reminder of our time in the womb: the belly button. Whether you have an inny or an outie, this relic of your fetal Show More
Nothing on the human body is quite as mysterious as the navel.
Forged from the ashes of live birth, the umbilical cord connecting mother to child is cast aside, leaving only a small reminder of our time in the womb: the belly button. Whether you have an inny or an outie, this relic of your fetal state defines your personality and is a strong indicator of who you will grow up to be.
Without a belly button, we would never be able to sip at the nectar of the uterus. We would not be the mammals we know ourselves to be. Our early years would be more akin to the common reptile or snake, hatched from eggs, unmoored.
Thank goodness for belly buttons! This indelible imprint on our tummies is the nucleus for our gut instincts. When you are wholly consumed by intuition, blinded by nature and a primordial decision-making process, we have our belly buttons to thank (or blame?)
So what does your belly button say about you? There are many styles, shapes, and designs, and what you discover from taking this quiz just might surprise you. After completing the questionnaire you will come away with a deep and profound understanding of your purpose in the universe, and how you fit in. So take a glance down to your midriff and get acquainted!
Share your results, and don’t forget to take a friend whose buttons you love to push!

Look down at your belly button and tell us what you see.
- Innie
- Outie
- Small slip
- Wide button

How were you conceived and brought into this world?
- Natural birth
- C-section
- The stork
- I was put here by aliens.

How far can you fit your finger in your belly button?
- Just the tip
- Past the nail
- Up to the knuckle
- I can’t fit my finger in my belly button.

Just because you shave, doesn't mean your razor makes it to your belly button. How hairy is your navel?
- Completely hairless
- There’s a strand or two
- My belly button is like a forest

You've decided to accessorize your belly button. Pick a piercing:
This blinged out one
This flashy one
This simple one
This one with a cross

Tell us! How often does lint get stuck in your belly button?
- Every darn day
- Once a week at most
- Never!

If your belly button was an emoji, which one would it be?
Kissing face

Sometimes your tummy just needs to breathe. How often do you show off your belly button?
- Rarely. I’m quite modest.
- On select occasions, like the beach or pool.
- I definitely have crop-tops in my rotation.
- Any chance I can get!

Hot or not? Choose the belly button you're most attracted to!
This is the one!
Yup, that's the one
Right here
Looking right at ya

Bored on the couch, you decide to dig in your belly button for gold. What do you find?
- Cookie crumbs
- Actual gold
- Diamonds
- My car keys

A clean belly button is the key to success in life. What's your hygiene strategy?
- Scrub daily in the shower.
- Rinse out with the shower head
- Wash intensely with a special tiny brush.
- I forget to clean my belly button.

If your belly button had a catchphrase, what would it be?
- “Say hello to my little friend”
- “May the force be with you”
- “You complete me”
- “I’m just one stomach flu away from my weight goal”
- “To infinity and beyond!”

Size DOES matter! How big is your belly button?
Quarter size
Nickel size
Penny size
Dime size

You're on a first date, and it's not going well. What does your belly button instinct tell you?
- Get up and leave.
- Wait it out, then go home.
- Tell my date I think they are terrible.
- Try to make it work.
- Grin and bear it.

Pick your favorite BUTTON!

A belly button is the cherry on top of the tummy. If you could sum up your stomach, how would you describe it?
- Toned
- Fluffy
- Skinny
- Larger than life
- Plump

Gym time! During your workouts, which muscle do you tend to focus on the most?
- Chest and Arms
- Cardio
- Abs
- Legs
- I don’t workout enough to know…

It's time to get a tattoo around your belly button! What's the design?
- Butterfly
- Sun and Stars
- Rose
- Skull

Time to do a shot off the bartender's belly-button! Pick your poison:
- Vodka
- Tequila
- Whiskey
- Can I have wine instead?

Which swimsuit would you wear to the pool?
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