Where in the What Is What? Match These Countries to Their Continent and Prove Your Worldliness

The only hint we’re about to give you is that “Oceania” is actually the name of the continent that represents countries like Australia and New Zealand. Now that that’s over, you clicked this quiz because you thought it was easy didn’t you? You thought wrong! See, you probably just learned something Show More

The only hint we’re about to give you is that “Oceania” is actually the name of the continent that represents countries like Australia and New Zealand. Now that that’s over, you clicked this quiz because you thought it was easy didn’t you? You thought wrong! See, you probably just learned something new, didn’t you? BAM! Nothing is ever as it seems and if something got updated after you graduated grade school? Well, you might be left in the dust.

But, it’s too late to turn back! To sweeten the deal, all of these places look like vacation-worthy paradises, so you have that to look forward to. The countries you are probably aware of either come from news stories about them or they’re hotbed tourist locations. These countries? Not so much. They’re smaller, but still beautiful and worthy of attention and continent sorting. Um, think about the flag ceremony at the Olympics? We don’t know, we ran out of hints. Oops. Good luck and happy sorting!

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Nauru isn't the name of an anime show, it's home to scenic views like this. Where is it?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Oceania
  • Europe

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