What Comes Next In These Common Phrases?
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This quiz is sure to be the cat’s meow, a quiz like no other, a quiz that will test if you are on the ball or if the lights are on but nobody’s home. We’ll find out if you know who has to sing before it’s all over (here’s a hint: She is not skinny), and whether you know what a stitch in Show More
This quiz is sure to be the cat’s meow, a quiz like no other, a quiz that will test if you are on the ball or if the lights are on but nobody’s home. We’ll find out if you know who has to sing before it’s all over (here’s a hint: She is not skinny), and whether you know what a stitch in time saves.
We’re about to explore the wild and wacky world of idioms or common phrases that make no literal sense at all. Where did they come from? There’s sure to be an odd story for each. But what we’re truly interested in is whether you’ve got these idioms squarely tucked in your back pocket or if you’re flying by the seat of your pants.
That’s right. We’re going to test you on how well you know these common phrases. It’s sink or swim, so get paddling.

How many words is a picture worth?
- A million
- A thousand
- A hundred
- A dozen

I want your thoughts. How much will I give you for it?
- A song
- A dollar
- A penny
- A thought

Curiosity killed the cat, and...
- The owner was left to cry.
- NaĂ¯vetĂ© killed the dog.
- You shouldn’t forget that.
- Satisfaction brought it back.

If you're living up to expectations, which of these condiments are you cutting?

If I told you not to look a gift horse in the mouth, what would I be telling you not to do?
- Don’t approach wild things.
- Don’t question gifts.
- Don’t ignore your larger surroundings and context.
- Don’t forget to brush your teeth.

Which animal did you let out of the bag?

If something rings a bell, what does it do?
- Sounds familiar
- Is loud or jarring
- Is musical
- Is troubling

If you have a chip on your shoulder, what's your deal?
- You’re messy.
- You’re carrying a heavy weight.
- You think the world is out to get you.
- You hold a grudge.

If you can't make a decision, what are you on?
- The fence
- The rag
- The border
- The dole

According to one idiom, what is there no such thing as?
- An unhappy dog
- A bald mailman
- A free lunch
- An easy life

Finish this phrase: "A bolt from the [which color?]."

If you're stuck in a hard spot, you're stuck between two...?

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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