Can You Handle The Ultimate Disney Trivia Test?
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How well do you really know Disney movies? Sure, you’ve seen them all — multiple times — but are you truly an expert?
Find out here!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer optionsShow More
How well do you really know Disney movies? Sure, you’ve seen them all — multiple times — but are you truly an expert?
Find out here!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

In “The Little Mermaid,” who ISN’T one of Ariel’s sisters?
- Andrina.
- Adora.
- Attila.
- Alana.

In the movie “Tangled,” Flynn Rider is wanted dead or alive, according to his wanted poster, because he’s a…
- Robber.
- Treasonist.
- Thief.
- Bandit.

Finish the lyrics to this song from “The Little Mermaid”: “Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, the girl who has everything? Look at this trove, treasures untold…”
- “It’s full of gizmos and gadgets galore.”
- “Wonders from all over the world.”
- “There’s so much to be known.”
- “How many wonders can one cavern hold?”

In “Sleeping Beauty,” what do the fairies arm Prince Phillip with to fight Maleficent?
- Sword of Destiny and Shield of Bravery.
- Sword of Truth and Shield of Virtue.
- Sword of Righteousness and Shield of Honor.
- Sword of Valiantness and Shield of Triumph.

Which fierce Disney Princess would you like to be friends with?

What does Aladdin, and a reluctant Abu, give the beggar children to eat?
- Dates.
- Apples.
- Bread.
- Cheese.

What fictional country is Prince Naveen from?
- Maramorgos.
- Mypos.
- Marč.
- Maldonia.

When Alice encounters the White Rabbit in “Alice in Wonderland,” what else is he holding besides a pocket watch?
- A cane.
- An umbrella.
- A top hat.
- All of the above.

Finish these “Frozen” lyrics: “My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around…”
- “That wraps my heart in a cold and distant past.”
- “And one though crystallizes like an icy blast.”
- “Somehow I’ve now been given a new chance.”
- “And all my problems are far gone in the past.”

For how many years does the Genie tell Aladdin he’s been trapped in the lamp?
- 100 years.
- 500 years.
- 1,000 years.
- 10,000 years.

In “Peter Pan,” what happens after Wendy wakes up in the middle of the night?
- She finds Peter Pan chasing his shadow around the bedroom.
- She finds Peter Pan trying to attach his shadow with soap.
- She finds Peter Pan trying to calm down Tinkerbell.
- She finds Peter Pan and Tinkerbell looking through her belongings.

How many puppies does Perdita give birth to in “101 Dalmatians”?
- 12.
15.- 18.
- 21.

Which of the seven dwarves DIDN’T sing “Heigh Ho”?
- Dopey.
- Sleepy
- Grumpy.
- Bashful.
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