Prove You Know The Simpsons By Naming All These Side Characters

Few shows have been on the air as long as The Simpsons, the classically irreverent show that brought us such delightful quotes as “To alcohol! The cause of – and the solution to – all life’s problems!” and “Well, whenever I’m confused, I just check my underwear. It holds the answer to all the Show More

Few shows have been on the air as long as The Simpsons, the classically irreverent show that brought us such delightful quotes as “To alcohol! The cause of – and the solution to – all life’s problems!” and “Well, whenever I’m confused, I just check my underwear. It holds the answer to all the important questions.” (which is also good advice for this quiz. But we’re not here for the goofs and the gags, we’re here for the people.

The weird, weird people.

That’s right, the town of Springfield has always been home to the stupid and the bizarre, whether we’re talking the local tavern owner Moe who is definitely up to some shady business, or Principal Skinner, a person we all love to hate. If you think you’re on a first name basis with all the citizens of Springfield, this quiz should be a breeze for you, but with thirty seasons there are a lot of people to choose from.

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This man serves as Mr. Burns' right hand aide.

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  • Whithers
  • Smithers
  • James
  • Jeeves

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!