Can We Guess If You’d Pass An Anger Management Test?
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Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Even the best of us get angry from time to time. But are you ruining your life because of your emotions?
Take this quiz to see if you’ve got anger management problems!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your ansShow More
Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Even the best of us get angry from time to time. But are you ruining your life because of your emotions?
Take this quiz to see if you’ve got anger management problems!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

At a party, your best friend says something offensive about you when she thinks you’re not listening. What do you do?
- Call her out on it in front of everyone.
- Pull her aside and talk about it.
- Write her off and refuse to see her again.

Have you ever alienated family because you were angry?
- Yes — I have no reservations about it.
- No — Family is everything!
- I haven’t, but I would if I had to.

You’re 20 minutes into a 6 hour flight and a nearby child starts crying. It’s not a baby — it’s a 6-year-old. What do you do?
- Put on the headphones and turn on some tunes. Best to drown out the noise!
- Turn around and stare at the child. Hopefully their parents will get the hint.
- Ask the parents to calm their unruly child down. Some of us paid for this flight!

Today is the absolute WORST day you’ve ever had. How do you take out your frustration?
- By punching something.
- Disconnect for a moment to calm down and focus.
- Call a close friend to vent about it.
- Close myself in a room and cry.

Everyone has pet peeves; which one makes you feel like screaming?
The sound of chewing
The sound of Nickelback
Spotty WiFi
Bugs on my skin

As you’re scrolling through your news feed, you notice an article about an outrageous comment from the presidential candidate you DON’T support. What do you do?
- Scroll on to the next post. I’m not surprised by anything these days.
- Read through the comments and contribute my thoughts. Anyone who agrees with that candidate is an idiot!
- Close out of my news feed and find something else to do. I’d rather not waste my energy.

You’re out with a group of friends and notice that one of your buddies is getting too friendly with your S.O. What do you do?
- Immediately call them out in front of everyone.
- Make a snide comment to assess whether they know what they’re doing.
- Brush it off. They’ve likely had too much to drink.

You’re at dinner and order a salmon filet with rice and asparagus. The server brings your meal, and you got mashed potato instead of rice. What do you do?
- Kindly remind the server that I ordered rice and ask if the side is still available.
- Eat what’s given to me and deduct from the tip.
- Loudly tell the server they did a bad job and ask for the manager.
- Don’t say anything and eat the potatoes anyway. I’m not fussed about it.

You make plans with a friend a week in advance, and they cancel on you last minute. What do you do?
- Decide to not make plans with them anymore. They’re not worth my time.
- Shrug it off and propose to meet up later.
- Block them on Facebook and delete their number. I’m extremely offended.

How does this image make you feel?
- Annoyed. This was not a difficult task…
- Unfazed. Someone must have been in a hurry.
- Enraged. Whoever did this is quite careless.

You are in a crowded public restroom and someone walks out of a stall. As you enter, you see that they did not flush the toilet and made a mess of the seat. What do you do?
- Flush it myself and get out as soon as I can.
- Wait for the next available stall.
- Follow them to the sink and tell them how gross they are.

It’s rush hour and you’re trying to board the busy subway home. You could fit in only if that lazy person on their phone would step in a bit more. What do you do?
- Wait for the next train. I’d rather have space.
- Push my way in until other passengers move.
- Kindly ask the inattentive passenger to step in.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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