Can You Correctly Spell the Top 20 Misspelled Words?
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Are you a spelling master? Did you crush your elementary school’s spelling bee? What about your scrabble skills? Well, let’s see what you’re made of. This quiz is here to test the knowledge of all things word-related. So get your copyeditor’s brain on, and hide your dictionary. There’s not cheatShow More
Are you a spelling master? Did you crush your elementary school’s spelling bee? What about your scrabble skills? Well, let’s see what you’re made of. This quiz is here to test the knowledge of all things word-related. So get your copyeditor’s brain on, and hide your dictionary. There’s not cheating here – it’s a true testament to your knowledge of words.
See how you measure up at spelling the 20 words that most people have trouble with and then feel free to share with your friends. Good luck, or it’s back to hitting the books for you.

If you work to make someone happy, you ___ them.
- Acomodate
- Accomodate
- Accommodate
- Acommodate

When you recognize someone for their accomplishments, you give them ___.
- Acknowledgment
- Acknowledgement
- Aknowledgement
- Aknowledgment

The amount of money that you have to pay before your insurance kicks in is your ____
- Deductable
- Deducteble
- Deductabel
- Deductible

Something that relies on another person or thing is ___.
- Dependent
- Dependant

Not everyone is great at spelling! What school subject did you like the best?

When you do something that makes you blush, you feel ___.
- Embarrassed
- Embarased
- Embarrased
- Embarassed

When you absolutely have to do something it is ___.
- Necesery
- Neccesary
- Necessary
- Necesary

If you won't leave someone alone, you ___ them.
- Haras
- Harras
- Harrass
- Harass

If you do something unintentionally, it is ___.
- Inadvertent
- Inadvertant
- Inedvertant
- Inedvertent

When you can't live without something it is ___.
- Indispenseble
- Indespensible
- Indespensable
- Indispensable

If something is certain, it is ___ going to happen.
- Defiantly
- Definately
- Definitely
- Defenitely

A person who goes between others is a ___.
- Liason
- Leaison
- Liaison
- Liayson

A particular event is an ___.
- Occassion
- Occasion
- Ocasion
- Ocassion

When Jiminy Cricket is on your shoulder, you are ___.
- Conscientous
- Conscientious
- Conshenshus
- Contscientous

I like to make note of every ___.
- Occurrence
- Ocurrence
- Occurence
- Ocurence

When you keep working at something you show ___.
- Persaverence
- Perseverance
- Perseverense
- Perseverence

When you have the right to something, it is your ___.
- Prerogative
- Perogative
- Pergative
- Prerogitive

Something that's a special right is a ___.
- Privelege
- Privalege
- Privilige
- Privilege

It's always a pain to have to deal with the red tape of ___.
- Beurocracy
- Beureaucracy
- Bearocracy
- Bureaucracy

When you take two things apart, you ___ them.
- Separate
- Seperate
- Seperete
- Separete
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