Try Your Hand at Guessing These Celebrities’ Birth Names

Before famous people are, well, famous, they have regular old names like you and me. Some of them continue to use their birth name, while others with perhaps less “star-worthy” monikers are persuaded by their agents and managers to adopt a more publicity-friendly name.

The casual celebrity gossipShow More

Before famous people are, well, famous, they have regular old names like you and me. Some of them continue to use their birth name, while others with perhaps less “star-worthy” monikers are persuaded by their agents and managers to adopt a more publicity-friendly name.

The casual celebrity gossip reader might be acquainted with a handful of celebrity birth names, but only experts can rattle off deep-cut birth names from even the C and D lists of Hollywood.

So how deep is your well of celebrity knowledge? Take this quiz and find out how well you know famous names – before they hit it big! Give it your all, share your results, and no cheating! There may be an honorary Oscar at the Academy Awards with your name on it if you play your cards right…

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Bruce Willis was born as _________ Willis.

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Christopher
  • Walter
  • Bruce
  • David

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!