Sansa or Cersei? Choose Your Fave ‘GoT’ Characters To Reveal How Long You’ll Live!
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Game of Thrones truly does offer something for everyone. There’s romance, adventure, thrilling plot twists, horrific violence, and a cast of characters that you can’t help but become obsessed with. But who are your favorites? Is Arya your favorite Stark? Which villain do you love to hate the most? TShow More
Game of Thrones truly does offer something for everyone. There’s romance, adventure, thrilling plot twists, horrific violence, and a cast of characters that you can’t help but become obsessed with. But who are your favorites? Is Arya your favorite Stark? Which villain do you love to hate the most? Tell us about your faves and we’ll reveal how long you’ll live! Now grab your sword and let’s go!

Pick your favorite Stark kid.
HBOArya Stark
HBOBran Stark
Sansa Stark
HBORobb Stark
HBORickon Stark

Who's your favorite Wildling?
HBOMance Rayder

Pick your No. 1 Lannister.
HBOCersei Lannister
HBOJaime Lannister
HBOTyrion Lannister
HBOTywin Lannister

Who's your favorite Baratheon kid?
HBOJoffrey Baratheon
HBOMyrcella Baratheon
HBOTommen Baratheon

Who do you wish you could bring back from the dead?
HBOCatelyn Stark
HBOEddard "Ned" Stark
HBORobb Stark

Who's the dreamiest guy on the show?
HBOJon Snow
HBOSamwell Tarly
HBODaario Naharis
HBOJaime Lannister

Choose your favorite strong female character.
HBOMargaery Tyrell
HBODaenerys Targaryen
HBOArya Stark
HBOBrienne of Tarth

Which character would you most like to grab a beer with?
HBOKhal Drogo
HBODavos Seaworth
HBOPodrick Payne

Which villain do you love to hate?
HBOPetyr Baelish ("Littlefinger")
HBORamsay Bolton
HBOCersei Lanniser
HBOJoffrey Baratheon

Which magical character is the most intriguing?
HBOJaqen H'ghar
HBOMirri Maz Duur

Select your fave Sand woman.
HBOEllaria Sand
HBONym Sand
HBOObara Sand
HBOTyene Sand

Which wise character would you most like advice from?
HBOOlenna Tyrell
HBOMaester Aemon
HBOSepta Mordane

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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