Find Your Place in The Good Place With This Two Characters Personality Quiz

It’s a scientific fact that every personality type can be created by combining two characters from The Good Place. Think we’re making it up? Try it out. Are you a Tahani/Michael combo (commanding but also deeply insecure) or maybe the classic Janet/Chidi (highly rule-bound but also questioning yShow More

It’s a scientific fact that every personality type can be created by combining two characters from The Good Place. Think we’re making it up? Try it out. Are you a Tahani/Michael combo (commanding but also deeply insecure) or maybe the classic Janet/Chidi (highly rule-bound but also questioning your very existence)?

The beauty of the system is the diversity of deep and well-created characters. If you’re not sure which pair you are, never fear: We’ve got a Good Place character creator that will tell you exactly which combo makes up your personality and all you have to do is answer a few Good Place related questions.

So, get ready to end your mortal life and head into one of the places, good or bad, and find out which of our favorite characters combine to create the unique personality that is you. Don’t worry, you won’t be Bad Janet, promise.

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What kind of party sounds the best to you?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • A classy garden party.
  • An EDM party.
  • A good dinner party with engaged conversation.
  • A crazy house party.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!