Find Your Place in The Good Place With This Two Characters Personality Quiz
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It’s a scientific fact that every personality type can be created by combining two characters from The Good Place. Think we’re making it up? Try it out. Are you a Tahani/Michael combo (commanding but also deeply insecure) or maybe the classic Janet/Chidi (highly rule-bound but also questioning yShow More
It’s a scientific fact that every personality type can be created by combining two characters from The Good Place. Think we’re making it up? Try it out. Are you a Tahani/Michael combo (commanding but also deeply insecure) or maybe the classic Janet/Chidi (highly rule-bound but also questioning your very existence)?
The beauty of the system is the diversity of deep and well-created characters. If you’re not sure which pair you are, never fear: We’ve got a Good Place character creator that will tell you exactly which combo makes up your personality and all you have to do is answer a few Good Place related questions.
So, get ready to end your mortal life and head into one of the places, good or bad, and find out which of our favorite characters combine to create the unique personality that is you. Don’t worry, you won’t be Bad Janet, promise.

What kind of party sounds the best to you?
- A classy garden party.
- An EDM party.
- A good dinner party with engaged conversation.
- A crazy house party.

If you had to guess how you'd die, what would it be?
- Probably in a horrific mockery of the Trolley Problem.
- Volunteering abroad somewhere dangerous.
- Knowing my luck, some kind of freak accident.
- Most likely doing something intensely stupid.

You've got a chill afternoon to relax. What are you doing?
- Reading a book.
- Chatting with a friend.
- Having a drink and watching TV.
- Gaming.

Why are you in the Bad Place?
- I’m a horrible People Pleaser and will do anything for approval.
- I’m pretty self absorbed.
- I spend too much time talking and not enough time doing.
- I actually just do awful things like steal.

How do you feel about lying?
- I might exaggerate every now and then.
- I’ll tell white lies sometimes to get away with things.
- Honestly lying is hard and so I don’t do it most of the time.
- I have a serious problem with it, but I’ve tried once or twice when it seemed like the kinder thing to do.

What makes you feel insecure?
- When other people do better than I do.
- When I allow myself to actually care about things.
- When I can’t be totally certain I’ve done the right thing.
- Rejection.

Who gets your engine revving?

Describe your relationship with authority.
- I’m a complete teacher’s pet.
- I basically ignore all authorities.
- I do what I need to to not get in trouble. I’m great at finding loopholes.
- I try to follow rules and keep the world in order, but if I think something is immoral I push back.

You've got a beef with a rival DJ across town. How do you handle it?
- Slash his tires.
- I just have to be better than he is so he’s too ashamed to continue DJing.
- Spread a bunch of lies about his gigs. Get all the people.
- Take the high road. I forgive him and move on.

What's your favorite part about being in The Good Place?
- Fro yo!
- The people.
- I get to throw the most amazing parties.
- Endless time to read.

What's your drink of choice?
GettyStraight vodka

What's your favorite food?
GettyI can't decide

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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