Not All Relationships Come With Illustrated Instructions. Assemble An IKEA Trip To See How Strong Your Relationship Is.
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IKEA brings out the worst in everyone. There’s something about Swedish furniture chain stores that make monsters of us all. If someone doesn’t love you at your screaming-about-shower-curtains, they don’t deserve you at your third-date-best. But the third date happened already, didn’t it? Well, we alShow More
IKEA brings out the worst in everyone. There’s something about Swedish furniture chain stores that make monsters of us all. If someone doesn’t love you at your screaming-about-shower-curtains, they don’t deserve you at your third-date-best. But the third date happened already, didn’t it? Well, we all can’t choose the order of operations when it comes to the timing of relationships, but we can sure control how we behave at an IKEA, especially if we’re there with a significant other. Okay, maybe you can’t, but you should at least try.
Whether you live together and you’re shopping for a shared piece of furniture or they’re helping you replace your old dining room table, going to IKEA has somehow become a landmark event in anyone’s relationship history. No one knows how or why this came to be, but it’s like meeting the parents – you just do it if your relationship is serious. So, check that box and go to IKEA with your person and we’ll tell you if your relationship will stand the test of time… unlike most IKEA furniture. Just saying!

Everyone comes to IKEA with an agenda in mind. Or at least they're supposed to. What room are you two there to shop for?
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Livingroom
- Bathroom
- We’re just browsing

Speaking of agendas, why did you pick IKEA in the first place?
- The prices! Budgets are a thing.
- Convenience
- All the rest of my stuff is IKEA and I’d like for everything to match
- I low-key love putting the furniture together
- To be honest, I’d rather not IKEA. The whole thing was my partner’s idea.

Did you two pregame this adventure by making a list of everything you need at IKEA?
- Yes, it’s the only way to survive that madness.
- Yes, everything down to the specific names and models of things I’d like. Thank you, internet!
- Yes, but to a point. I’m open to being surprised and adding and dropping items as needed.
- Kind of?
- No. Were we supposed to make a list?

Well, this looks overwhelming. Maybe you two should grab a map. Do you want a map?
- Yes, we absolutely need one.
- Yes, but only one of us should hold it. Things could get dicey otherwise.
- No, that’s just going to lead to a huge fight.
- No, IKEA is just one big path with literal arrows that you follow. What’s the big deal?

You're never too cool or grown to have kid-level fun. So, pick something from the kids' section! What are you getting?
- A cute pillow
- A lamp with an animal on it
- Wall decals
- Cute storage options
- That giant leaf you’re supposed to put over a child’s bed

Oh, look! Something you MUST HAVE that isn't on your list. Make an impulse purchase! What is it?
GettyA succulent
GettyA throw blanket
GettyAn area rug
GettyA set of bowls

You two are a couple! You work well together, even if it's just occasionally. What's your saving grace during IKEA trips?
- We stick to the list
- We divide and conquer
- We say when something sucks – when we’re annoyed or don’t like a bedspread, whatever.
- We get in then get out and don’t get distracted
- We can make this suck-fest actually fun
- Staying calm when the other one gets overwhelmed

But, not everything's perfect all the time. What's the thing your partner's doing at IKEA that's driving you crazy?
- They want to get ALL OF THE THINGS.
- They’re goofing off
- We don’t share taste in furniture… or anything?
- They’re being indecisivie.
- They’re being impatient.
- They’re on their phone and not helping at all with this trip.

For whatever reason, you can't find the one thing you absolutely needed. No warehouse number means you can't take it home. Solve this issue before you get into a fight. What do you do?
- Go back through the showroom and hunt this thing down.
- Ask someone who works there to help.
- See if you can look it up online. It could work?
- Give up. It wasn’t that important anyway.

Phew! Got it. But... now the warehouse doesn't have the size or color you're looking for with that piece of furniture. What do you two do now?
- Get the discolored thing that’s also the wrong size, I guess.
- Don’t get the thing after all.
- Get it and adjust the piece as needed. It’s assemble-it-yourself after all!
- Get a different model that’s the right size that you’re a little less crazy about.

Do you have any grand plans of upgrading this IKEA furniture by hacking it or adding special touches?
- Spray paint!
- Combining two pieces into one super-piece!
- Vintage knobs on dresser drawers!
- Um, if I wanted an upgraded piece of furniture, I wouldn’t be at IKEA now would I?

You're done! Finally! Thank goodness the checkout line drops you at the IKEA cafe. Grab a snack to treat yourself on the way out.
GettyCinnamon buns
ShutterstockHot dog
ShutterstockSwedish meatballs
GettyIce cream

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