Find out How Well You’d Handle the Apocalypse by Handling These 12 Minor Inconveniences

We’ve all been there: something totally minor freaks us out and someone condescendingly goes “it’s not the end of the world, calm down,” to which we’d like to give a big hearty “EXCUSE YOU. NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION!” But… what about when it’s the actual, *literal* end of the world? We’re talkShow More

We’ve all been there: something totally minor freaks us out and someone condescendingly goes “it’s not the end of the world, calm down,” to which we’d like to give a big hearty “EXCUSE YOU. NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION!” But… what about when it’s the actual, *literal* end of the world? We’re talking about the apocalypse, and whether we humans bring this upon ourselves or the cosmos take their natural course and the sun one day explodes; the apocalypse is coming and you should be prepared.

An excellent gauge on your preparedness? How you handle those idiotic “not the end of the world” situations. They’re a micro-example of what would potentially go down when the world actually ends. Are you calm, cool, and collected? More of an action-minded doer? Or do you freak out, lose your temper, and handle everything like a catastrophe? The good news is that during the apocalypse, most of us will probably die anyhow. Wait… *is* that good news?

See if you can make it out alive, or at the very least not lose your cool. Get in your bomb shelters and let’s get quizzing!

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The common enemy we can all get behind: traffic. It's bumper-to-bumper as far as the eye can see. What do you do?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Play music and make the best of it
  • Map a route around the traffic
  • Get off the freeway and wait it out there
  • Drive down the shoulder for as long as you can get away with it
  • Scream and complain
  • Check your phone, e-mail, text messages, social media accounts…

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!