How Alike Are You and Your Sister?
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Are you and your sister identical soulmates or could you not be any more different? Find out now — and share your result with your sister!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options Show More
Are you and your sister identical soulmates or could you not be any more different? Find out now — and share your result with your sister!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

How often do you and your sister talk on the phone?
- We don’t need to talk on the phone — we’re together all day, every day!
- At least once a day
- Every few days, if we remember

How big of an age difference is there between you two?
- We’re two years apart
- We’re five years apart
- We’re eight years apart
- Actually, we’re twins!

Have you ever met up with your sister to discover you were wearing exactly the same outfit?
- That happens to us at least once a month
- It might’ve happened once or twice
- Are you kidding? We always check in to find out what the other one is wearing before we go anywhere together!
- Nah;Â we have pretty different style, so there’s no way that could happen

Someone tells you a secret and specifically asks you NOT to tell your sister. What do you do?
- Keep it to myself; a secret is a secret!
- Try to engineer a situation in which my sister could discover the secret…without actually having to tell them
- Call them immediately; sisters don’t count!

What kind of food do you and your sister like to share?

Can you name all of your sister's exes?
- Why would I? They’re not relevant anymore…
- If I really thought about it, I guess I could
- Yes, easily
- Yup, and I could list their abject personality traits, too

You and your sister are at a party together, and you're not having fun. What do you do?
- Stick around; the night will probably improve
- Go home, but leave my sister to enjoy the night
- Ask my sister if she wants to come home and watch a movie with me
- Shoot her a look, which she’ll instantly understand means we must both leave immediately

You're on a date when your sister texts you saying she needs you. What do you do?
- Ignore it! She’d do the same thing if it were me
- Reply asking what’s wrong; I’m not walking out on a date for nothing
- Call her immediately. My date can wait!

You're trying to embarrass your sister, and you know there's one story she would never forgive you for telling. What do you do?
- Tell it! She’ll get over it
- Keep quiet; some stories stay between sisters

What's the one thing you WON'T share with your sister?
Significant others

What is the nicest thing your sister has done for you on a night out?
- Danced with me until I caught the attention of a hottie, then conveniently disappeared
- Confiscated my phone when I tried to text someone I shouldn’t speak to anymore
- Made sure I got home safely when I was drunk
- Put me to bed with my phone on a charger, a glass of water and some advil on my bedside table

Do you and your sister finish each other's sentences?
- Yes, all the time!
- No, that’s totally not a thing!

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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