How Well Do You Remember ‘Dawson’s Creek’?

Dawson’s Creek was one of those shows that was jam-packed with insanely raw, emotional moments. Who can forget the time when Pacey broke down crying while talking to his passed-out drunk of a Dad? Or when Jack came out to his Father? Remember when Pacey bought Joey a wall so she could paint? And whoShow More

Dawson’s Creek was one of those shows that was jam-packed with insanely raw, emotional moments. Who can forget the time when Pacey broke down crying while talking to his passed-out drunk of a Dad? Or when Jack came out to his Father? Remember when Pacey bought Joey a wall so she could paint? And who straight up ugly cried during the scene when Jack’s Dad finally accepted his gay son? Or when Jen filmed that video for her daughter for after she died? Or, you know when she DIED?! This show was an emotional roller coaster, and it seemed like something monumentally moving happened in every episode. Why do you think Dawson made that stupid crying face so often?

This quiz will test your knowledge of this late 90’s/early 2000’s classic teen drama. Think you’ll be able to pull a Joey and ace it? Or will you be sent to study hall to raise your score? Grab your backpack and let’s get started!


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Movie Time Guru

In what Massachusetts town is 'Dawson's Creek' located?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Fall River, MA
  • Quincy, MA
  • Cambridge, MA
  • Capeside, MA

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!