Is Your Partner Cheating?
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Relationships are the best, at least when they’re functioning and healthy. When people come together in love and harmony it’s truly a beautiful and arguably divine thing. We all want to meet the ones that make us feel whole and loved. Unfortunately, we’re also human and love is a chemical reaction hShow More
Relationships are the best, at least when they’re functioning and healthy. When people come together in love and harmony it’s truly a beautiful and arguably divine thing. We all want to meet the ones that make us feel whole and loved. Unfortunately, we’re also human and love is a chemical reaction hardwired into our anatomy to make us want to breed. This is weird, but it certainly makes love no less important or powerful.
So many times humans have proved that we can surpass the chemical attraction to find something deep, emotional and lasting. Love doesn’t just exist in the movies, it exists for real. That being said, so do breakups and infidelity. This quiz will help you figure out if your partner is being less than truthful and stepping out on you.
So whether you’re here because it’s fun or because you’re genuinely concerned, click through and answer these questions to help determine if your partner may be cheating on you.

Let's just go ahead and start off with the big question. Do you think your partner is cheating?
- Yup, I’m just looking for a second opinion.
- I mean probably, it’s the main reason I’m here.
- I feel like we’ve been growing apart. I’m not sure anymore.
- Definitely not, I just like quizzes.

Has your significant other gotten a brand new haircut recently?
- Actually? Yes. Like yesterday.
- Umm not super recently I don’t think.
- Nah, but they’ve been talking about it.
- Naaah. They’ve kept it just the way I like it.

How does your significant other talk on the phone?
- Loud and proud
- Super quiet and kinda secret.
- They usually take calls in the other room, but that’s just polite.
- They don’t really do calls, but they have been laughing at texts more recently.

How does your significant other use their computer?
- They don’t really use the computer.
- Often but it’s mostly business I guess.
- They usually clear the history if I ask to borrow it.
- I mean they own one, but I’ve never seen them use it around me so I don’t know.

How often does your significant other go "off grid" so you can't reach them?
- Every day and at odd hours
- Sometimes. Usually late at night.
- Not too often, but sometimes after we’ve fought.
- Not often. Only during work or other specific functions.

How often do you eat dinner together?
- Every single night
- Two or three nights a week
- Maybe once a week if we’re lucky

Has your partner taken up being judge, jury, and executioner for all of your actions?
- They’re outspoken and it hurts sometimes, but I kinda agree that I’m not trying hard enough.
- I mean they can be a little pushy but nothing I can’t handle
- They’re less judgey and more blamey if that makes sense.
- I think we have a healthy level of challenge for one another actually.

Have you noticed significant changes in your S.O.'s schedule, like extra overtime or excuses for being late?
- No, nothing worth mentioning anyways.
- They’ve been staying extra after work, but they’ve also been bringing home more money so I’m pretty sure it’s not a lie.
- Yup. Extra overtime. Extra time at the gym. Just extra everywhere that doesn’t seem to include me.
- Nah, not really. They have had an alarmingly high amount of flat tires and missed buses though.

How have your friends been acting lately?
- I mean like great friends? I’m not sure I understand.
- They’ve been awfully close with my partner lately though we seem to be growing apart.
- Pretty normal I think, at least until I’m around. Then it gets very very awkward.
- They’re fine. Nothing to write home about. I guess I’ve been growing apart from them also.

How's their bank account looking these days?
- Things are looking good. No changes worth mentioning to my knowledge.
- Just a couple forgotten charges here and there, but we all have those. Dang you Target.
- I feel like there’s a big chunk of money missing, but it could just be me. They say I’m being paranoid.
- There’s been a growing number of unaccounted for purchases lately.

Have you noticed a change in how emotionally open your partner is?
- I feel like there’s a lot that we aren’t on connecting on any longer, but there’s still some intimacy there.
- I don’t really feel that sense of emotional vulnerability at all any more.
- I think we’re okay, but I do think they’ve been closing off just a little lately.
- I think there’s a natural depreciation from “the honeymoon phase,” but we try our best to be open and honest, and I believe them in my heart when they tell me things.

When you bring up the topic of cheating, how do they respond?
- Unnecessarily volatile
- They get pretty upset that I would even ask.
- They usually deflect
- I’ve never asked

Let's switch gears a bit. Which of these pictures calls to you?

Pick a color
Deep Blue

Pick a landscape
Sunset Hillside
GettySeaside City
Isolated Mountains
Vast Desert

Pick an entree

Choose a Dessert
GettyFresh Fruit
McDonalds.comIce Cream
GettySmothered Chocolate Cake
GettyCreme Brulee

When it comes texts and especially calls to you, what are their habits like?
- They’ve taken to always hitting me up at the same time all the time. It’s a little weird honestly.
- They text and call a bit through out the day, but I notice they’re on social media even when they’re not texting me.
- We talk through out the day but it’s been on a steady decline in frequency lately.
- I feel like we talk, but it’s not really meaningful
- We chat and laugh when we have time. Bae’s meme game is strong.

Have you noticed your partner picking up some new words and phrases? Especially those they would have found offensive before?
- Nah, not that I can think of.
- They picked up a new phrase, but I’m pretty sure it’s just to annoy me.
- Kind of? But they’ve also got a new friend group, and we all know how that is.
- It’s like they’re an all new person tbh.

Have they changed up their shower routine lately?
- What? No. That’s a weird question.
- Well they used to at least have dinner when they get home, now they run straight to the shower.
- Only when they’ve been out. One time they did it after dropping some mail at the post office.
- Sort of but I mean it’s summer so I can’t complain.
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