Just How Gross Are You and Your S.O.?
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Bodies are pretty nasty. Snot, vomit, pee, oh my! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Bare your deepest and darkest habits to find out if you and your partner tip the gross-o-meter.Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an opShow More
Bodies are pretty nasty. Snot, vomit, pee, oh my! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Bare your deepest and darkest habits to find out if you and your partner tip the gross-o-meter.Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Do you and your partner burp in front of each other?
- Sure, all the time.
- That’s impolite, no way.

Do you fart in front of each other?
- That’s disgusting. I always hold it in.
- Heck, we fart ON each other.
- It would be way too big of a hassle not to.
- Only when it’s silent.

Have you ever pooped with the door open in front of your partner?
- How else am I supposed to keep watching Netflix while I use the pooper?
- No, we’ve got some boundaries.
- I did once. Too awkward.

Well maybe not pooped, but definitely peed, right?
- Sure!
- There’s a reason bathrooms have doors.

We all pee in the shower. Have you ever done it while your partner was in the room?
- Sure. It’s not like they could hear it anyway.
- Gross. Who pees in the shower?

What about while they were in the shower with you?
- Why not? It’s practical.
- Um, I think there’s too much danger of peeing ON them.
- Again, that is completely disgusting.

All right, no more potty humor. Time for some vomit! Have you ever thrown up on your partner?
- I have more self control than that.
- I cannot imagine ever doing that and still having a significant other afterward.
- Guilty as charged.
- No, but they’ve thrown up on me.
- I threw up NEXT to them once, but it didn’t quite get on them.

Have you ever cleaned up your partner's vomit?
- I’ve never even seen my partner vomit.
- No way. They clean up their own vomit.
- No, but I have cleaned up their poop or pee.
- Unfortunately yes.

You...you haven't picked your partner's nose have you?
- Ew no!
- Yes.
- No, but I HAVE touched their boogers.

Do you share a toothbrush?
- Yeah, sometimes.
- It would be a cold day in hell before I’d do that.

Your partner's dirty clothes! How often do you touch them?
- Never.
- I do their laundry for them…
- I’ve definitely worn them.
- Only when I need to if they’re in the way.

What would your face look like if your partner licked you?

Have you ever touched a band aid that your partner used?
- That is actually the least sanitary thing I can imagine.
- Yeah, it happens.

What's your relationship with your S.O.'s hair like?
- I shave their back.
- I like to get up close and personal with that one weirdly long hair they’ve got.
- I’ve picked out an ingrown hair for them.
- I pretty much just like to run my fingers through the hair on their head.
- None of these. What is wrong with you?

What about your partner's zits?
- I’ve popped them.
- I’ve taken a photo of that weird one on their back so they can see it.
- I try to stay as far away from them as possible.

Have you ever texted to alert your partner about a particularly impressive poo, belch, vomit, or other nasty bodily function?
- Literally every day.
- There was this one time…
- Why on earth would I do that?
- I never have any impressive poos 🙁

Have you ever had to clean one of these for your partner?
None of these
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