Make a Vision Board and We’ll Predict Your Future Five Years From Now

You know about vision boards, right? You cut and paste images and word from magazines and newspapers to a literal board and it’s supposed to manifest how you’d like to be and feel in your life based on the power of visualization. So, anything’s possible, right? Sorry to say that vision boards will nShow More

You know about vision boards, right? You cut and paste images and word from magazines and newspapers to a literal board and it’s supposed to manifest how you’d like to be and feel in your life based on the power of visualization. So, anything’s possible, right? Sorry to say that vision boards will not magically make you win the lottery, but if you take actionable change by externalizing your goals in a visual picture, you stand a good chance at changing your life.

New year new you, right? Well, that sounds like a hyper-fast turnaround. How do five years sound to you? Based on how you want to be and feel within this new year (it’s vision board season, after all) will tell us exactly where you’ll be five years from now. It may just surprise you. Life is full of surprises! Set your intentions, gather your goals, we cut out all the words and pictures for you, now let’s get vision boarding!

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So this vision board... how are you doing it anyway? What's the medium for your madness?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • It’s going on posterboard.
  • Corkboard, definitely.
  • It’s all digital, baby!

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!