Make a Vision Board and We’ll Predict Your Future Five Years From Now
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You know about vision boards, right? You cut and paste images and word from magazines and newspapers to a literal board and it’s supposed to manifest how you’d like to be and feel in your life based on the power of visualization. So, anything’s possible, right? Sorry to say that vision boards will nShow More
You know about vision boards, right? You cut and paste images and word from magazines and newspapers to a literal board and it’s supposed to manifest how you’d like to be and feel in your life based on the power of visualization. So, anything’s possible, right? Sorry to say that vision boards will not magically make you win the lottery, but if you take actionable change by externalizing your goals in a visual picture, you stand a good chance at changing your life.
New year new you, right? Well, that sounds like a hyper-fast turnaround. How do five years sound to you? Based on how you want to be and feel within this new year (it’s vision board season, after all) will tell us exactly where you’ll be five years from now. It may just surprise you. Life is full of surprises! Set your intentions, gather your goals, we cut out all the words and pictures for you, now let’s get vision boarding!

So this vision board... how are you doing it anyway? What's the medium for your madness?
- It’s going on posterboard.
- Corkboard, definitely.
- It’s all digital, baby!

Pick someone who's living their best life. They're going on your board and you're gonna paste your face on theirs. Who's living your dream life?
GettyThis dancer
GettyThis hiker
GettyThis dog owner
GettyThis lounger

Pick a word in a magazine to cut out and put on your board. Which word speaks to you the most?
- Peace
- Love
- Friends
- Boss
- Laughter
- Rockstar

In the words of Marie Kondo, what color scheme "sparks joy" for your vision board?
- Neutrals, like black and white.
- Brights like pink, yellow, and blue.
- Naturals like green and earth tones.
- Eh, it doesn’t matter.

Vision boards are aspirational. What are you more inclined to put on your vision board? Your (hypothetical)... what?
- Dream car.
- Private jet.
- Dream house.
- Ideal partner.
- Dream office.

So where is this vision board going in your humble abode, anyway? You have to see it every day for it to work!
- Closet
- Wall
- Front door
- Fridge
- Office
- It’s hidden – you don’t get to look at me!

Which item on your vision board do you see as most attainable in real life? What's immediately going to happen (basically)?
- Getting a pet.
- Going out more.
- Going on vacation.
- Meditating daily.
- Getting a raise.
- Gaining confidence.

A celebrity is going on you board. Do you want to embody them or be with them? Who knows, but they're going on there. Who is it?
GettyJason Momoa
GettyViola Davis
GettyGina Rodriguez
GettyHenry Golding

What element of nature is going on your vision board to emulate the energy you want to bring with you into the new year?
- Sun
- Moon
- Clouds
- Grass
- Flowers
- Rain

So, have you done a vision board before?
- Every year like clockwork.
- When it inspires me.
- Literally never before.
- Tbh, I’m only going to do this because a friend enthusiastically swears by it.

Are vision boards a solo venture or a group event for you?
- By myself. Don’t look t me and my goals!
- Only maybe one trusted friend or partner
- You mean people don’t have vision board parties?! Group!

If you had to say one way or the other, the contents of your vision board are more indicative of what?
- How you want to feel.
- Goals you want to achieve.
- The quality of life you want to manifest.

Real talk though, do you think vision boards work?
- Like science.
- Like magic!
- Only if I put in the work as well.
- Maybe? It’s better than not trying at all, though.

This isn't attached to a specific goal, but just looking at this image makes you happy. What picture draws you the most?
GettyThis rain drop
GettyThese flowers
GettyThis cityscape
GettyThese balloons

What animal would you most like to embody as you move into this new year? Put them on your board!
- Unicorn
- Lion
- Puppy
- Flamingo
- Wolf
- Otter

Which fortune cookie are you going to pluck out of your take out and tape on your board?
- “Never do anything halfway.”
- “The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.”
- “Enjoy yourself while you can.”
- “Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.”
- “Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.”
- “Don’t pursue happiness – create it.”

All vision boards cover all of these aspects of life, but you'd venture to say your board is more heavy on what?
- Wealth, recognition, success.
- Children, love, family.
- Creativity, travel, knowledge.
- Serenity, clarity, thoughtfulness.

Hidden on this board is a goal. Only you know the real hidden meaning behind these images. What is it?
- Whiter teeth.
- Tidier home.
- More sex.
- Quit job.
- Learn an instrument.
- Perform or speak in front of a crowd.
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