Prove You’re a Wizard By Acing Our Harry Potter Quiz
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You’re A Wizard, Harry! Did you just read that in Hagrid’s voice? Are you a true fan of Harry Potter? Well, if you are, then do you know your Hogwarts houses? Do you think you can ace this Harry Potter quiz based on spells? Tell us! Oh, and do you think you’ll be able to ace this Harry Potter qu
You’re A Wizard, Harry! Did you just read that in Hagrid’s voice? Are you a true fan of Harry Potter? Well, if you are, then do you know your Hogwarts houses? Do you think you can ace this Harry Potter quiz based on spells? Tell us! Oh, and do you think you’ll be able to ace this Harry Potter quiz?
Did you just read all of that in your head with a British accent? Well, I really hope that you said “yes” to all of those questions! So, how much do you know about the boy who lived? Well, here’s a little refresher in case you’ve forgotten. Harry Potter, also known as the boy who lived was born on July 31st in the year 1980. Harry lost both of his parents as a baby to Lord Voldemort (he who must not be named). Due to the power of love, Harry survived Voldemort’s attempt to murder him, and as a result, bears a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. From this point forward, he becomes Voldemort’s greatest rival! Fast forward into the future, Harry grows up having a pretty terrible childhood living with The Dursley’s (his muggle aunt, uncle, and cousin). On his 11th birthday, he finds out that he is actually a wizard and is invited to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. He was almost placed into Slytherin by the sorting hat, but thank goodness for all muggles and wizards, because your boy was placed into Gyrfinddor! Hip! Hip! Horray! Okay, I can probably go into much more detail, but you can read the books or watch the movies for things you might have forgotten!
BUT, if you’ve already read every book and watched every movie, and can remember everything, then you’re all set and ready to go! Ohhh and I’ve gotta know, as a child did you patiently (more or less) wait to receive your acceptance letter to Hogwarts? Well, I’m pretty sure that mine got lost in the mail. RUDE! It was a very common thing on my block, okay! Well, I hope you answered yes to all of those questions because my goal was to pump you up to take this Harry Potter quiz! Are you ready? Got your wand by your side? Is your cloak on? Are you sure? ARE YOU SUPER DUPER SURE?
Let’s find out! Take this quiz now! Wands up! Oh, and if it turns out that this quiz is on the easy side for you then, wow, I envy you. But also, you’re most definitely going to want to take our other Harry Potter quizzes. We’ve got plenty of those ready for you! Have fun!
What is Lord Voldemort’s real name?
- Tom Marvolo Riddle
- Tom Marvilo Riddle
- Tom Marvin Riddle
- Tom Ravolo Riddle
What did you get? Let us know in the comments!