Plot Your Revenge and Reveal Which Villainous Fashionista You Are.
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Being good is hard, but we all do it. Sometimes it’s a chore, other times it makes us feel great about ourselves. Regardless, most of us go each day shrugging off the people that decide not to be so kind, but what if we didn’t? What would happen if we decided to truly take an eye for an eye? BetShow More
Being good is hard, but we all do it. Sometimes it’s a chore, other times it makes us feel great about ourselves. Regardless, most of us go each day shrugging off the people that decide not to be so kind, but what if we didn’t? What would happen if we decided to truly take an eye for an eye? Better yet, why stop there? Why not an arm for an eye? Or the world for an eye! That’s right, what if you were a villain?
We don’t always like to talk about how much we love them, but without villains, who would the heroes that inspire us have to fight? It’s okay, we love villains too. In fact, the only thing we love more than villains is their wardrobe. Maybe it’s because practicality isn’t what evil does (seriously, Lady Stilt-Man, we need to have a talk). But for every fashion misstep is a fabulous villainess of haute proportion. Answer these questions to find out which fashionable villain you’re most like.

Why are you out for revenge?
- Maybe someone hit me, maybe they took too long to order coffee. Could be anything, really.
- I like to think of it more like collecting what’s due vs revenge. So I guess my answer is karma?
- Because I can. Problem?
- What’s more fun than revenge? I guess senseless crime, but everyone loves a good revenge story.
- Nobody messes with the ones I love but me. Capiche?
- You’ll have to ask my leader that question. I’m just following orders…very fun orders.

Will you use as a weapon?
- Does magic count as a weapon in this world? Yes? Okay that.
- A devilish brew or something pointy in a pinch.
- I have my goons, and when they fail, I’ll use my fists and fangs.
- Anything that lets me make with the smashin’.
- Sure. The quicker and quieter, the better.
- Absolutely, I’m powerless without my weapon.

What will you wear to carry out your revenge?
Something comfy, cute, and bright. I want to stand out.
I’ll just throw on whatever. Everything I own is cute so whatever. It’ll match.
Something dark and foreboding like a robe.
Something form-fitting. Body suit, tights, etc
Something sexy and kinda goth or punk, but in a refined and not tacky way, ya know?
Nothing. It might get messy, and I can’t go ruining my nice things

If pushed far enough, will you kill to enact revenge?
- I won’t murder, but if they’re not strong enough to endure my creative punishment, well *chuckles*
- No. But I’m not above transforming them into something with a low life expectancy. A cockroach for example.
- Is that seriously a question? I killed on my way here just because I was hungry.
- Nah, dead stuff doesn’t scream and is therefore much less fun
- The old me might have, but I’m a changed person now. No killing for me
- I’ve killed for much less than being “pushed.”

How long will you take to plan your revenge?
- Depends on how long it takes me to put on my face and make my grand appearance.
- I’ve pre-planned several things. I’ll just pick one according to the situation at hand.
- Plans? A day or so I suppose. I’ll need to rest up.
- Give me about a week.
- Several months. The devil is in the details.
- I’ll have already left before you finished asking that question. Revenge is swift and just.

How long does your vengeance last?
- A lifetime. Do NOT cross me.
- About a day, but the pain will linger.
- It’ll be over in minutes, but I’ll savor each delicious second.
- It’ll last until I feel I’m over you… I mean over it.
- Eh, a few seconds. In and out like a thief in the night.
- Probably a few hours before I get bored and end it

What is your drink of courage?
A nice red wine.
ShutterstockBlood...I mean uh tomato juice?
ShutterstockA sugary soda pop...spiked with vodka.
Whiskey. Simple.
ShutterstockHahahhaahhaha my WHAT!? No thanks. I don’t need any of THAT.

Which of these malicious items will help you on your quest for vengeance?
Soundproof Boots
A mask. I'm kind of well-known. Can't risk the exposure.
Filed nails. Cute and deadly.
Magic potions and poisons.
The ability to transform myself.
A magic wand.

What is your victory meal?
GettySomething earthy and clean like a salad.
GettySeafood, preferably a good ol low country boil
ShutterstockDepends, who am I enacting revenge on? Okay it’s them.
GettyNever go wrong with a good ol burger and fries.
GettyHmmm something with chicken I think. Maybe alfredo?
GettySteak, and cake for dessert. Decadent and lovely.

Who will be your sidekick in this endeavor?
- I’ll go it alone thanks.
- My whole crew is in on this one.
- My loving and obedient guard dog.
- I’ll bring my older sister. She’s always level-headed.
- I’ll probably bring my boyfriend/husband. Then again maybe not.
- Who’s their best friend? I’ll get them on my side and bring them along. Make it really sting

If you were to enact a dark curse, what might be its effect?
- An eternal sleep where they’ll wander their worst nightmares for the rest of time.
- I’ll take away their identity and self-worth. They’ll be doomed to walk the earth unloved and unknown.
- They’ll become my obedient slave for the rest of their days.
- Hallucinations. I’ll make hem see their friends as enemies. Hope they aren’t the violent type. They may do something they regret *cackles*
- Curses? Not really my style. I got nothin champ.
- Maybe something that turns the sound of their bones breaking into musical tones and I’ll play my favorite tunes with them as my instrument.

If your target begged for forgiveness, would you let them go?
- I mean I guess, but they better have a darn good explanation.
- Once it’s out there, it’s out there. Deal with your choices.
- Only long enough for them to let their guard down. Seeing their shock when at my betrayal will make vengeance sweeter.
- I’ll cut my revenge by 50%, so if I was gonna take both hands, I’ll only take one. Cuz I’m nice like that.
- Yeah, probably. I was bored with the revenge thing a while ago anyways.
- Oh no no no no no. Begging and bargaining is obligatory but never acknowledged in my line of work.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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