Solve These Everyday Problems and We’ll Guess How Long You’d Last in an Action Movie
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Action movies are the ultimate crowd pleaser. Well, not ultimate. Not everybody is down with gratuitous violence or considers it storytelling, but if you clicked this quiz, it’s probably because you spent a healthy chunk of your childhood pretending you were a secret agent fighting bad guys. We all Show More
Action movies are the ultimate crowd pleaser. Well, not ultimate. Not everybody is down with gratuitous violence or considers it storytelling, but if you clicked this quiz, it’s probably because you spent a healthy chunk of your childhood pretending you were a secret agent fighting bad guys. We all want to be heroes and save the day, deep down! Even if you aren’t martial arts trained, you’ve watched an action movie and secretly thought either “I could do that!” or “NO! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? TURN AROUND!”
So, when push comes to shove, would you really fare all that well in an action movie? How about you solve these everyday annoyances where the world truly needs a hero and then we’ll match you up with an arc in an action film. Are you the hero? Villain? Or are you the comedic relief through whom we all see how violent and strange these circumstances are?
Take this quiz and see!

You're home alone, on the toilet, and completely run out of toilet paper. OH NO! How do you solve this awful problem?
- Waddle over to your bedroom and grab a box of tissues to do the job.
- Use a washcloth then immediately throw it in the wash.
- Just jump in the shower!
- Grab whatever’s nearest and disposable. Cotton balls? Sanitary napkins? Okay!

You're out for the day when your phone dies - and you left your charger at home! What to do? Where do you go to charge up?
GettyA bar. Bartenders have everything!
GettyA coffee shop. Some freelancer should have one I can borrow!
GettyUm, The Apple Store. Duh.
GettyScrew borrowing, I'm just going to buy another one!

You have a new coworker... who listens to the loudest, worst music, all day every day. The worst. Fix this or lose your sanity. What do you do?
- Complain to a higher up. Maybe they’ll step in?
- Start a group G-Chat with friends to complain and make jokes
- Ask your co-worker to turn it down
- Crank your own music even louder
- Buy them a pair of headphones
- Leave them an anonymous, scathing note

You notice something smells awful when you get home. It's your shoe! You stepped in dog poop! Gross. What should you do?
- Wipe it off with a paper towel
- Shout a string of expletives
- Find the nearest person walking their dog and yell at them
- Relentlessly clean your one shoe and sanitize every surface you walked on in your house
- Leave your shoes outside and spray your house with Febreeze

You're chatting it up with your crush, things are going well, you ask them out... and then they full on reject you - because they have a significant other! The worst. Next move?
- Tell them you were kidding about asking them out, you didn’t mean it.
- You take it in stride and continue living your life as scheduled
- Tell them you’re okay, but secretly never give up and continue carrying a torch for them
- Stalk their significant other to death
- Move on to pursuing a regular friendship with this person. Why not?

You're getting ready to go out when you see a car partially blocking your driveway. You have to leave, though! What should you do?
GettyCall a tow truck
GettyFind who's car it is and ask them to move it
GettyLeave a note? I don't know, I'm stuck.
GettyLeave! A little property damage never hurt anyone, right?

What kind of fresh hell is this? There's a spider in your house! HORROR OF HORRORS! What should you do about it?
- Escort the spider outside
- Squash it!
- Spray it with kitchen cleaner
- Scream loudly
- Is burning your house down an option?

The first week of the month is coming around and you've managed to come up short in all of your bills and your rent. Crap! Figure something out, quick! How do you fix this?
GettySell things for money
GettyBorrow money
GettyTake a side job that pays cash, like babysitting
GettyJust be late on my payments! Who cares?

You made a reservation at a nice restaurant - FOR A HALF HOUR AGO! They're unforgivably late at seating you and you're starving. What now?
- Just go somewhere else
- Complain to the manager
- Sit at the bar and wait it out
- Leave and write a scathing Yelp review
- Bribe the host/hostess to give you priority seating
- Wait patiently. What else should you do?

It's happened to all of us and it sucks every time. Your car battery dies out of nowhere. What's next for you?
- Ask someone to help jump your car with theirs
- Call for roadside assistance
- Get an Uber/Lyft/cab instead of driving where you need to go.
- Call one of your parents. They’ll know what to do!

It's an every day problem that can hurt the most. A loved one is mad at you. How do you handle this?
- Talk it out with them
- Push your feelings deep down and hope they get over it eventually
- Send them a gift with an apology note
- Confront them in public so they’re forced to remain calm
- Ask everyone you know about how your person is feeling. You’re mining for clues!
- Give your person space and then follow up with them in a few days

Now, here's the actual worst everyday problem: you're bored. SO BORED! You need to get un-bored, fast. How?
GettyLeave the house and do something physical
GettyClean and listen to music
GettyGoogle what events are happening nearby
GettyBe bored. If you knew how to be un-bored, you wouldn't be bored, would you?

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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