Think You Know Which Spice Girl You’d Be BFF With? We’re Not So Sure. Solve These Everyday Problems And We’ll Tell You!

Viva Forever, indeed. Friends, the Spice Girls are forever. If you’ve clicked this quiz, we’re pretty sure you already know this. You’ve either wanted to be one, or insert yourself into the group as the sixth Spice Girl. That’s how much you wanted in on that explosion of female friendship, talent, aShow More

Viva Forever, indeed. Friends, the Spice Girls are forever. If you’ve clicked this quiz, we’re pretty sure you already know this. You’ve either wanted to be one, or insert yourself into the group as the sixth Spice Girl. That’s how much you wanted in on that explosion of female friendship, talent, and JOY! Well, we have good news for you in that department. No, you can’t trade places with an already existing Spice Girl, but you can definitely find out who out of the five is destined to be your best friend.

Meditate on what you want your Spice Girl name to be while you take this quiz. Look deep inside your heart and plumb out all those lessons in #GirlPower you logged back in the ’90s because they’re going to come in handy! No time travel involved, but we’re just going to need you to use that feminist zeal to help you solve everyday crises and issues.

Your Spice Girl BFF would’ve probably handled the situation in a similar way. (And that’s how we know!)


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If you're gonna fight everyday problems with girl power, you have to pick your weapon of choice. Which one is it?

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