Star Wars The Last Jedi Trivia
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It was one of the biggest Blockbusters of 2017, a movie that inspired debate, love, hate, and even a few memes (shirtless Kylo Ren, anyone?). That’s right, we’re talking about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a movie that took us across planets and to the darkest days of the Resistance.
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It was one of the biggest Blockbusters of 2017, a movie that inspired debate, love, hate, and even a few memes (shirtless Kylo Ren, anyone?). That’s right, we’re talking about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a movie that took us across planets and to the darkest days of the Resistance.
If you’re a big Star Wars fan, you need to jump on this quiz to see if you caught the smallest details and most important plot points of the latest saga. We’ll make sure you know every new species introduced, all the characters we fell in love with (or hated), and the choicest of quotes.
Grab a lightsaber or jump in your X-Wing, and let’s dive into battle against these trivia quizzes before the First Order makes its next move. The Resistance needs all the help it can get. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands!

The movie opens with Paige Tico and a fleet of bombers sacrificing themselves to destroy a First Order ship. What kind?
- A Star Base
- A Battlecruiser
- A Dreadnought
- A Star Destroyer

Do we ever actually see Chewbacca eat a porg in this film?
- Yes
- No

Much of The Last Jedi hinges on memories of the night that Ben Solo destroyed Luke Skywalker's training school and turned to the Dark Side. How many times do we see this flashback?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5

Yoda is not about to let Luke run away from the past. What does he remind Luke is the greatest teacher?
- Fear
- Family
- Love
- History
- Failure

What is the name of the gorgeous, yet dark, gambling planet that Rose and Finn visit?
- Canto Bight
- Crait
- Mos Eisley
- Ahch-To

What is the name of the odd race that lives on Ahch-To with Luke and helps keep up the Jedi structures?
- Guardians
- Caretakers
- Undertakers
- Stewards

After Leia falls into a coma, a new Vice Admiral takes control of the Resistance. What is her name?
- Maz
- Canto
- Lando
- Holdo

What is the color of Admiral Snoke's robe throughout The Last Jedi?

The Last Jedi introduces us to Rose Tico. What role does she play in the Resistance?
- Weapons maintenance
- Escape pod management
- Maintenance worker
- Repair worker

In The Last Jedi, we meet a new droid, a similar design to BB-8. What is its name?
- BB-5N
- BB-12
- BB-X
- BB-9E

Which of these activities does Rey NOT watch Luke doing while following him through his daily routine?
- Climbing a lot of stairs
- Milking an alien
- Fishing
- Reading the Jedi texts

Who betrays the Resistance in order to escape The First Order?
- Ben Solo
- Finn
- DJ
- Maz Kanata

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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