Tell Us About Yourself and We’ll Guess How Many Times a Day You Lie
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Everybody lies! Let’s just get that out in the open right away. If you say that you’ve never lied, you’re a liar and that counts as telling a lie SO THERE! There’s big lies and small lies. Not all lies are bad! Sometimes you do it to save somebody’s feelings or simply because telling the lie would bShow More
Everybody lies! Let’s just get that out in the open right away. If you say that you’ve never lied, you’re a liar and that counts as telling a lie SO THERE! There’s big lies and small lies. Not all lies are bad! Sometimes you do it to save somebody’s feelings or simply because telling the lie would be less harmful than telling the truth. Lies – frankly – get a bad rap. So, don’t be scared of this quiz… but we’re definitely going to call you out on how many times per day that you tell a lie.
This quiz will check you for honesty. Even if you lie on this quiz, we’ll know it and count it towards your total. We know what’s in your heart – and it’s mostly good! – but how honest can you be with yourself? Check yourself before you wreck yourself, take a deep breath, and get going on this quiz you big liar! We all do it, this quiz will just help you get out ahead of it.

Okay, first questions first: truth or dare?

If you were to steal something, what do you feel most likely to steal? Sorry, there's no "don't steal and be a good person" option.
GettyCandy from the grocery store
GettyClothes from your sibling
GettyPirated movies from the internet
GettyJewelry from a boutique... probably because I walked out by accident while trying stuff on

Have you ever cheated on a test?
- Yeah, I had the answers.
- Yeah, I copied off of someone else’s work.
- Yeah, but in my defense I didn’t know it WASN’T an open book test.
- No, never!

What's your favorite phrase or euphemism for lying?
- Alternative facts
- Fib
- Tall tale
- Stretching the truth

Have you ever blamed someone else for something when it was actually your fault?
- Yeah, who hasn’t?
- Personally, I think of it as making an excuse for myself, not “blaming.” Everyone can reach their own conclusions…
- No because it’s a lie and you’ll definitely get caught in it.

Have you ever denied or exaggerated anything about your romantic history or sexual experience?
- I’ve exaggerated a few things so people would leave me alone
- I’ve denied a few things that were actually true
- Hold up, why would I ever talk to anyone about my sex life?

Don't make this a habit, but when do you think it's okay to be dishonest with your significant other?
- A little white lie to save their feelings
- In order to make you look better and save face when there’s drama in your life
- In order to get out of or get into hooking up
- When they ask your opinion on something you don’t actually like
- When they catch you in a lie and you have to deny it
- When you cheated on them once and it’ll never happen again

Have you ever lied about where you were in order to go to a party?
- Yeah, how else was I going to be able to go?
- Lied about WHAT party exactly, not that I was going out
- I liked about how I was getting to the party
- No, I don’t lie about that kind of stuff.

The "find my friends" app that comes on your iPhone can share your location at all times with your friends... if you want. What do you think about this app?
- Creepy
- Fun

What's the absolute worst thing someone can imply about your personality? What would you be most offended by if you ever heard someone call you this?
- Stupid
- Slutty
- Boring
- Lazy
- Ugly
- Immature

What's your favorite filter on Instagram stories? We know it's no Snapchat, but pick one.
- Puppy
- Sparkles
- Glitched out
- Sunglasses
- Starry night
- Blossom

Did you ever fart in public and act like it was someone else who did it?
- Yeah!
- Not blaming, just denying on my part.
- I’ve run out of the room. If I’m not present – there’s no problem! Right?
- Uh… no?

What do you think about this phrase? "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." How does it make you feel?
- Free
- Anxious
- Ambivalent

How long do you typically wait to text your crush back?
- The next day
- A few hours
- A little under an hour
- About 20 minutes
- Uh, when I get to it? People time these things?

Pick out the animal known to be sneaky that you relate to the most and/or like the best.

What's one gross habit you have that you'll probably never quit and continue to do in secret?
- Not washing your hands after using the bathroom
- Picking your nose
- Peeing in the shower
- Eating food off the floor

What's one super scary job that you'd never attempt?
- Stand up comedian
- Fire fighter
- Coal miner
- Morgue keeper
- Exterminator
- War journalist

Have you ever called out sick when you weren't actually sick?
- Yeah, who hasn’t?
- Only when I knew for sure I wouldn’t and couldn’t get caught
- I’d call it a mental health day, if you want to get technical. So, that counts in my book.
- No because then they’ll ask if I’m feeling better the next day… it’s a whole thing. Best not to lie about this stuff.
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