We Know How You’d Die in a Horror Movie

Everyone has at least one thing that really, really scares them. For some people, even the thought of stepping foot on an airplane is enough to send them over the edge. For others, imagining a snake slithering across their leg is basically their idea of torture. Some are petrified by public speakingShow More

Everyone has at least one thing that really, really scares them. For some people, even the thought of stepping foot on an airplane is enough to send them over the edge. For others, imagining a snake slithering across their leg is basically their idea of torture. Some are petrified by public speaking, while others are so afraid of needles that they’re haven’t visited a doctor or dentist in many, many years.

So what scares you the most? Are you more freaked out by tornadoes or thunderstorms? Are rats more cringe-worthy than bats? This quiz will ask you to pick which things scare you the most. Then, based on your responses, we’ll tell you how you’d die if you starred in a horror movie. Ready to hear your scary movie fate? Grab some popcorn and Raisinets and let’s get started! Warning: This quiz will probably give you nightmares. Proceed with caution!

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What scares you more: clowns or zombies?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
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