Answer These Learning Style Questions and We’ll Reveal Which TV Genius You Are
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To the untrained eye, super smart TV characters might seem to fall into one of two categories. They’re either glasses wearing pushovers or mad scientists on the brink of world domination. Sure, there are a few Hermione Granger types who stand out as strong, smart, and capable. But for the most parShow More
To the untrained eye, super smart TV characters might seem to fall into one of two categories. They’re either glasses wearing pushovers or mad scientists on the brink of world domination. Sure, there are a few Hermione Granger types who stand out as strong, smart, and capable. But for the most part TV geniuses are ultimately seen as basically the same–lonely nerds.
The real-life geniuses of the world know that to be absolutely false. While TV geniuses all may share some common traits, their wildly different personalities affect the way they live, work, and express their intelligence.
Where exactly do these differences stem from? There are a number of different learning styles that affect how people best absorb and retain information, and if you look closely, you’ll see that every genius has a style all their own.
Which TV genius would you be based on your learning style? Let’s find out!

What’s your dream job?
Graphic Designer
Physical Therapist

Which class do you want to take?
Public Speaking
Ballroom Dance

You’ve got an exam coming up. How are you going to study?
- Read my textbook
- Make flash cards
- Study with a partner
- Have a friend ask you questions
- Review class notes
- Watch a documentary on the subject

What’s most distracting while you work?
- Funny videos
- Friends texting you
- People walking near you
- Loud music
- Mistakes in someone else’s work
- A conversation in another room

What do you do when you don’t know something?
- I do a ton of online research
- I ask people questions about it

What types of books do you prefer?
- Books with lots of dense text
- Books with detailed graphs and photos
- Books with interactive puzzles
- Memoirs
- Books on tape
- Books compiled from journal entries

What do you typically do while waiting in line?
- Look at my phone
- Review my purchases
- Make conversation
- See if another line is moving faster
- Read the magazines nearby
- Listen to my music

It’s game night! How do you learn to play?
- Have a friend explain it
- Watch a few rounds before joining
- Read the instructions and dive in
- Figure it out as you go
- Absorb all material surrounding the game and maybe play next time
- Ask a ton of questions

What stands out most at the party?
- The music
- Who was flirting
- The conversations
- When everyone arrived and left
- People’s faces
- A story someone told you

What do you do first in a new city?
Go to a coffee shop
Get tips on where to go from locals
Walk around and take it all in
Plan my trip thoroughly before going anywhere
Go to a museum
Find some live music

What’s your favorite pick-me-up?
A quiet night of reading
Buying new clothes
Seeing friends
Taking a nature walk
Going dancing
Getting my life 100% together

How do you enjoy music?
- I sing along
- I dance alone in my room
- I go clubbing
- I’m playing the music
- I imagine its music video
- I consider the song’s composition

How do you find your way around?
- Google map everything
- Ask for directions
- Walk until something fun comes up

How do you remember someone’s name?
- Say it back to them right away
- Say it in your head over and over
- Add them to your phone
- Add them on social media
- Ask a friend when you forget
- Admit you forgot and apologize

How do you express your frustration?
- Act mad and wait for someone to notice
- Yell about it
- Slam doors
- Start a heated dialogue
- Wait to cool off before you talk about it
- Deal with it on your own and move on

Pick a celebrity who’s life is your goal.
Bill Nye
Neil Degrasse Tyson
Ashton Kutcher
Howie Mandel
Natalie Portman
Elon Musk

It’s time to treat yourself! What do you buy for fun?
New electronics
Skincare products
Good food

How would you spend an ideal Saturday with friends?
- At a picnic
- At an amusement park
- Watching movies
- Going to a concert
- Making dinner at home
- Playing board games
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