Tell Us If the Price Is Right on This Bizarre Hipster Home Decor

Hipsters are always one step ahead of the curve when it comes to taste and designing home interiors is no exception to the rule. If you’ve ever shopped for anything home-related, you’ve definitely come across a few items where you picked it up and thought “there’s no way someone would actually buy tShow More

Hipsters are always one step ahead of the curve when it comes to taste and designing home interiors is no exception to the rule. If you’ve ever shopped for anything home-related, you’ve definitely come across a few items where you picked it up and thought “there’s no way someone would actually buy this and put it in their house.” Well, you’d be wrong. Because those people exist and they’re called “hipsters.” That thing you thought was too expensive/too gauche/too bizarre? They found a unique place for it in their home and when they invited you over for dinner, you saw it and probably went “oh! That’s what that’s for!”

Look, you either have hipster taste or you don’t. But, above all that, do you have good money sense? Can you guess if The Price Is Right on this way-too-hip home decor (without going over) or are some things just that stupidly expensive? Only full-blown hipsters know the answer.

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Anthropologie infamously tried to sell an ornamental "birch bundle" under the umbrella of home decor, which if you haven't guessed already is pretty much a bunch of sticks. How much did that retail for?

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What did you get? Let us know in the comments!