We Know Which Disney Villain You Are At Heart Based On Your Unpopular Opinions
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Everyone makes a huge deal about Disney princesses, but what about villains? Confident, flamboyant, ambitious – if you haven’t slept through any Disney movie, we think that deep down you know that the villains are the best characters in any Disney film. They get the best songs, costumes, one-liners,Show More
Everyone makes a huge deal about Disney princesses, but what about villains? Confident, flamboyant, ambitious – if you haven’t slept through any Disney movie, we think that deep down you know that the villains are the best characters in any Disney film. They get the best songs, costumes, one-liners, and often get a bad rap. And we get it! No one wants to be the bad guy. Well, good news there: most bad guys don’t think they’re “the bad guy” so even if you are one, you’re probably innately ignorant to how the world perceives you!
Okay, maybe not so good news there. Better news? We’re going to give you the opportunity to flaunt your evil in little ways by asserting your unpopular opinions. Sit there and silently judge these things by taking them down with snarky quips, just the way Walt Disney intended. Go ahead and lean into that evil side of yours, it looks good on you.

In your opinion, which musician is 100% overrated?
GettyAriana Grande
GettyKanye West
GettyEd Sheeran
GettyTaylor Swift

Which food does everyone posts on Instagram that you'd be more than happy to never see again on your feed?
- Avocado toast
- Sushi
- Ice cream
- Pizza
- Coffee
- Cocktails

Everyone's obsessed with this show, but you just don't see what the big deal is. What's the show?
- The Great British Baking Show
- The Office
- Friends
- Lost
- Grey’s Anatomy
- Mad Men

What's a common piece of advice that you think can suck it because it's completely untrue and total bullsh*t?
- “Kill them with kindness”
- “Everything happens for a reason”
- “Fake it till you make it”
- “Live every day as if it were your last”
- “Love will show up when you stop looking for it”
- “If you can’t love yourself, how are you going to love anyone else?”

Fans have strong opinions and sometimes they can be a lot to handle. What's one fandom that you just don't understand and will never be a part of?
- Harry Potter
- The whole Marvel franchise
- Lord of the Rings
- Star Wars
- Sherlock
- Doctor Who

Which sweet treat do you want to abolish because it belongs in the trash?
- Reese’s peanut butter cups
- M&Ms
- Sour patch kids
- Birthday cake
- Candy corn
- Mint chocolate anything

Pick out an evil food that you absolutely hate!

Sometimes an unpopular opinion can be something (or someone) you like. Which hate-worthy celebrity do you actually like?
- Anne Hathaway
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- James Franco
- Kim Kardashian
- Drake
- Justin Bieber

Conversely, people make a huge deal about this celebrity whereas you... just don't get it. Who's hype are you not buying?
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Ryan Gosling
- Anna Kendrick
- Channing Tatum
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Amy Schumer

The internet can't get enough of these videos and you aren't a fan. What YouTube phenomena doesn't do it for you?
- Cats being cats
- Makeup tutorials
- Vine compilations
- Flash mob proposals
- Vlogging of any kind whatsoever

Which wave of the recent pop culture zeitgeist will you never see the appeal of?
- True crime
- Snapchat and Insta-stories, specifically face filters
- Everyone suddenly being obsessed with house plants
- Hamilton (the musical)
- Stranger Things
- Cartoons made for adults

It's an unpopular opinion because people who love these teams LOVE them, but what sports team do you find truly obnoxious?
- Yankees
- Red Sox
- Golden State Warriors
- New England Patriots
- Philadelphia Eagles
- Any sports team or fan sucks

Dealer's choice - cancel a holiday. If it were up to you, which holiday would you strike from the calendar?
GettyNew Years Eve

Most people have whole entire freak out fits about these things, whereas you just roll your eyes. What do you think is not that big of a deal?
- Finding hair in your food
- Spiders being in your house
- Any time there’s precipitation of any kind
- Having to wait for a table at a restaurant
- Delayed flights
- Politics

What slang word sounds more like nails on a chalkboard to you?
- Bae
- Fam
- Tea
- AF
- Totes

Which wildly popular song would you be okay with never hearing again?
- “Africa” by Toto
- “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey
- “Closing Time” by Semisonic
- “Yeah” by Usher
- “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars
- Any Christmas carol

Which romantic comedy do you actually think is boring and gross?
- The Notebook
- Love Actually
- You’ve Got Mail
- Sixteen Candles
- Bridget Jones’s Diary
- Annie Hall

One last unpopular opinion to rule them all: pick something everyone hates that you actually love.
- The word “moist”
- The smell of skunk
- Waking up before the sun rises
- Nickleback
- Smoking. DON’T JUDGE ME!
- Personally, I think anything Kylie Jenner does is gold.

What's the one part of getting married that you think is gross and annoying?
- Bridal showers
- Engagement photos
- The registry
- Public proposals
- The receiving line
- Marriage in general. It’s not for me.

What's your unpopular opinion about kids? Not everybody loves everything about kids, no matter how much they say they like them!
- Puppies and kittens are cuter than babies
- Teenagers are actually pretty rad
- Overly coddled kids who don’t know how to handle their own problems
- Kids should have all the sugar and screen time they want
- I think people who have kids are selfish
- I don’t like kids. Full stop.
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