Tell Us Your Name and We’ll Tell You If the Starbucks Barista Will Screw It Up
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Get a job. Get married. Have children. Buy a house. Quit the job. Divorce the spouse. Sell the kids. Keep the house. Fate laps against the beach of life, upending our comfort zones and delivering us, tiny grains of sand, into unfamiliar waters. Whether it’s a cross-country move, military service, orShow More
Get a job. Get married. Have children. Buy a house. Quit the job. Divorce the spouse. Sell the kids. Keep the house. Fate laps against the beach of life, upending our comfort zones and delivering us, tiny grains of sand, into unfamiliar waters. Whether it’s a cross-country move, military service, or sudden tragedy, you just never know what you’re gonna get. Except with Starbucks!
Because no matter what curveballs life throws at us, we can always take pleasure in the familiarity of knowing the local Starbucks barista will write some strange iteration of our names on the cup of coffee we just ordered. It doesn’t matter if it’s something simple like “Jack” or “Kate”, the barista in the little green cap will feel compelled to scribble out some bizarre spelling of your name, after which you will then watch a different barista in a green cap struggle to spell out in front of the entire store.
So what name do you see on your venti cap? The right letters in correct succession? Or is it some strange, guttural belch – not a name, but a burst of hellish hot gas?
Tell us a bit about your name, and what kind of coffee beverage you order, and we’ll tell you how the barista will write it on the cup! Chances are, you’ve definitely heard it before, so share your results and don’t forget to take a friend to get coffee with!

Welcome to Starbucks! How many syllables is your name?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4 or more

Before we make your latte, is the first letter or your name a vowel?
- Yes
- No
- I just say my name is John.

Are you named after any family members?
- My mother/father
- My grandparents
- My aunt/uncle
- Nope!

When you place an order, do you use a nickname to make things easier?
- Yes, absolutely!
- My name is already a nickname.
- Nope! If they can’t pronounce my name, that’s their problem.

When you tell people your name, how do they usually react?
- Normally. I have a normal name!
- Repeat it back to me for clarification.
- Look at me like I have three heads.

Which of the following drinks would you like to order most?
Regular Coffee
Iced Coffee

How often do you visit your local Starbucks?
- Every day
- Once a week
- Twice a week
- Once a month
- Once a year

Do you ever give the barista a fake name to make things easier?
- Yes. I’d never get my coffee otherwise!
- No! My name is my name!

Some people just look like their name. Do you?
- My name fits my face perfectly.
- I look like I have a different name.
- Nobody ever remembers my name!

This barista doesn't look too bright. Is your name in the English language?
- Yes…it’s quite boring.
- My name is French.
- My name is Spanish.
- My name is in Italian.
- My name is in a different language.

Milk is coffee's life partner. Which kind do you specify to accompany yours?
- Regular milk
- Low-fat
- Skim
- Almond/Soy

Choose a nickname that might help you out in a hurry:
- Ace
- Fifi
- Dee
- Bee
- Doc
- Spice

Starbucks is also a meeting place, workspace, and public restroom. How do you visit?
- I stop in for coffee and then leave.
- I hang out for a bit with a book or my computer.
- I spend hours there.
- I try to use the drive-thru if at all possible

What's your preferred Starbucks holiday beverage?
- Pumpkin Spice
- Chestnut Praline
- Gingerbread Latte
- Egg Nog Latte
- Peppermint Mocha

With the Starbucks App, you can pay for coffee with your phone. Do you use this feature?
- Of course! It’s super convenient.
- No, I pay with my card.
- No, I pay cash.

No trip to Starbucks on a whim is complete without a pastry! What's your go-to?
- Cookie
- Muffin
- Lemon cake
- Scone
- Croissant

Coffee for the road! What kind of car do you pull up to the window in?
- Truck
- Sedan
- Van
- Motorcycle

This is a biggie (or smallie). What size drink do you usually order?

Have you ever worked at a Starbucks?
- Yes
- No

Is your name spelled the way it sounds?
- Not even a little bit.
- You could sound it out, but it can be a bit confusing.
- Yes. Completely and totally.
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