Text These Guys Back and We’ll Tell You What Emoji You Are Inside
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Take a look at your most often used emojis tab. When you text, it’s the emojis that pop up first before you start scrolling through a thousand different smiley faces. What’s there? Probably a lot of thumbs up, cringes, smiles, and a stray animal or two. Maybe some food. Not too exciting, right? WellShow More
Take a look at your most often used emojis tab. When you text, it’s the emojis that pop up first before you start scrolling through a thousand different smiley faces. What’s there? Probably a lot of thumbs up, cringes, smiles, and a stray animal or two. Maybe some food. Not too exciting, right? Well, what if we told you there was a difference between the emojis you use all the time and the emoji you are inside?
It’s not a stretch! There’s an emojis movie, after all! So, how we’re going to figure this out is by giving you this MagiQuiz phone to text these 18 guys back. How you respond is entirely up to you – and the responses are all completely text and emoji free! We’ll populate your subtext with the emoji inside that’s fueling these responses. Sounds complicated? Don’t worry about it, it’s not. We’re just casually reading your mind and helping you find your spirit-emoji. Are you ready for that level of self awareness? Okay, it’s not that deep it’s just texts, but what are you waiting for?

This friend of a friend who you know from going to the same parties texts you the age-old classic "u up?" You say...
- No
- I just got to bed, actually. Goodnight!
- Yeah r u?
- Yeah, I’m up watching Netflix. Wyd?
- Up for what?

This is your ex. He texts you "new phone who dis?" Yeah, he tried it. What do you say?
- Then why did you text me?
- You’ve never said “who dis” IRL, get a hold of yourself.
- The best thing that ever happened to you. Who’s this again?
- Cute, real cute.
- Yeah, I’d miss me too. Hi [his name].
- Ugh, why haven’t you deleted my number yet? What’s your deal?

A strange number sends you a text. It reads "hey, it's Nick from the bar." Guess you met someone last weekend! You say...
- Nick? From which bar? You’re not the only Nick, you know.
- Hi! Is Fromthebar your last name?
- Hi, it’s [your name] from your dreams.
- I was wondering when you’d text!
- Yeah, hey what’s up?

Someone on a dating app asks you to send pics. Think we all know what this means... What picture do you send instead?
GettyYour "pussy"
GettyYour "ass"
GettyYour "bush"
GettyA picture of you in a horse head or NOTHING

A guy you've been flirting with texts you "You're right - Big Mouth is hilarious! Got any other recs?"
- No, sorry. It’s literally the only show I watch.
- Fresh out. Is that hormone monster giving you some serious Sean Penn vibes or is that just me?
- Nope, now it’s your turn. Amuse me! What should I watch?
- It’s the best! Are you done watching yet? Let’s finish it up together.
- Aw, I knew you’d like it!

Your friend you secretly think is cute texts you "Hey, wanted to see how your day was going :)" out of nowhere. Wow! You say...
- It’s going a lot better now! How are you?
- Time is a construct, but time keeps ticking, so my day’s going. How’s yours?
- Good, but I’m bored at work. Are you around for lunch by any chance?
- Okay, you want to “see how my day’s going?”
- In the immortal words of The Black-eyed Peas it’s “running running and running running and running running and running running”

Someone you're dating (but not "officially") texts you "I can't sleep." Time to put up or shut up! You say...
- That’s because you’re in the wrong bed. Wanna come over?
- Want me to come tuck you in?
- Aw, you got something on your mind? What’s up?
- Brb ubering over some sheep for you to count, they’ll be there in a sec.
- Lol that sucks.

A guy you straight up haven't talked to, seen, or even thought of in months texts you, "hey." What do you do with that? Text back:
- Hey!
- Hey?
- Hey yourself, stranger!
- You text the right number?
- Hi, hello what’s going on what?
- Heyyyyy

When you get a line like "Where have you been my whole life?" you have to text back...
- Hiding from you.
- Right here waiting for you.
- Where I’ve always been!
- Trying to find you! I’m exhausted!
- Patiently waiting for you to order me from Amazon, so it’s about time tbh.

This is a shitty breakup text: "I'm so sorry. It's nothing you said or did, but I can't shake the feeling that we're not right for each other. It's like our puzzle pieces don't match up or something. You're super attractive, you did nothing wrong, you don't deserve this at all I'm so sorry." You say...

A guy you've been eyeing at the gym texts you "Wanna grab smoothies after the 7pm kickboxing class?" You say...
- I think you spelled beer wrong.
- I’m gonna grab a shower after class, actually.
- Of course! Can we hang out when we’re not super sweaty, though?
- Yeah, wanna help me stretch out before we leave though?

This guy's gonna bail on a date. He says "Ugh, gonna have to raincheck. Let's hang out some time next week?" You say...
- Next week’s not gonna work for me. Same goes for every week after that.
- I feel like it’s always next week with you…
- What are these last minute plans that keep popping up the same day as our dates ONLY?
- Sure, why not?
- Wow, I hope it doesn’t rain next week.
- Okay, but this time you can’t flake!

You got caught! This guy you saw for a few dates texts you "Be real – are you ghosting me?" You say...
- BOO!
- If I say yes, it defeats the purpose of ghosting, doesn’t it? Pretend you never got this.
- No, I just regular forgot to text you back.
- (Seriously, why would I text back if I’m ghosting? I’d say nothing.)

This cutie texts to see if you "Wanna come over to cuddle and watch a movie?" You respond...
- Sure I’ll come over to “cuddle and watch a movie.”
- Ooh, which one? Have you made it through all the endings of Bandersnatch yet?
- Yeah let me shower and I’ll be over in a sec.
- Is this a BYOBlanket event?
- Yeah give me your address.

You hooked up with this guy and he texts you "So last night was amazing" the next morning. You say...
- I know, right?
- Yes, you’re welcome.
- Uh, I sure hope so.
- Why, what happened?
- I can’t stop thinking about it.
- No, YOU’RE amazing.

Your ex texts you – completely out of nowhere – with only two words: "I'm sorry." What do you say?
- About damn time.
- As you should be.
- For what?
- Cool, can you be more specific?
- What brought on this sudden moment of clarity?
- K

Looks like you're about to get set up on a blind date! An unknown number texts you "Hey, [your friend's name] gave me your number. You sound really cool! Wanna get drinks this weekend?"
- Yeah, I’m free all Saturday!
- Really, what did they say about me?
- I know a great dive bar near me, let’s go there!
- Ugh, I’m really busy. How about next week?
- Sure. Also, I know you’re probably not a murderer, but how do I know for sure you’re not a murderer?

Time for another stranger-text! It reads "Hey, it's [classmate's name] from high school. I'm in your city for work, wanna meet up?" Text back...
- You barely spoke to me in high school. What changed?
- IDK are we in high school anymore?
- I just had a long day, so no, but you should definitely check out some of my favorite spots out here!
- OMG throwback! Yeah I’m around after work let’s catch up!
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