The Best Baby Names for Each Zodiac Sign

There are so many things you don’t know about your kid before they’re born. Some people prefer to know as much as they can and others prefer a bit of mystery. We can’t tell you what your kid’s personality will be like or if they’ll have your ears or not, but we can tell you when they’re likely to beShow More

There are so many things you don’t know about your kid before they’re born. Some people prefer to know as much as they can and others prefer a bit of mystery. We can’t tell you what your kid’s personality will be like or if they’ll have your ears or not, but we can tell you when they’re likely to be born and subsequently what you should name them. How and why? Isn’t that overstepping for an online quiz? Yes and no. You’re forgetting a key component when it comes to your future due date: it frequently determines your baby’s star sign. So what should you name your little one? We think it should be in line with their zodiac.

So will they be analytical Virgos or have the swooping-feelings of a Pisces or Cancer? Well, wouldn’t it be weird if your brainy kid had a poet’s name and your rockstar child had a name better suited for an accountant? We’ve sussed out what names go best for what sign, all you have to do is figure out when your kid will be born! So, figure it out, will ya?

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Since astrological signs are constellations, we thought you should pick your favorite non-zodiac grouping of stars. Which constellation do you like the most?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
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    Ursa Major (Big Dipper)
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What did you get? Let us know in the comments!