We’ll Pick The Perfect Vacation Spot For You If You Tell Us How You Like To Travel
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Congrats! You’re going on vacation!
But…where did you decide to go? Because based on how you respond to this travel preference questionnaire, we think we can gauge where you should go. Is it the tropics? The tundra? Planet Earth has such a wide variety of climates and cultures to offer, so whicShow More
Congrats! You’re going on vacation!
But…where did you decide to go? Because based on how you respond to this travel preference questionnaire, we think we can gauge where you should go. Is it the tropics? The tundra? Planet Earth has such a wide variety of climates and cultures to offer, so which one fits your temperament best?
Pack up your roller-bag and find out by taking this quiz! Share your results, and make sure to tag a friend to bring along on your journey!

What time are you flying out?
- 5 AM
- 8 AM
- 12 PM
- 4 PM or later

How many bags are you checking?
- None
- 1
- 2
- 3 or more

How are you getting to the airport?
- Uber/Lyft
- Train
- Bus
- Getting a ride
- Driving myself

What kind of shoes are you wearing through security?
Urban Outfitters

How early do you arrive at the airport?
- Right when I board
- 30 mins before
- One hour before
- 2 hours before

And when do you check in for your flight?
- 24 hours in advance
- On my way to the airport
- At the airport
- I just show up and go where they tell me to go

Which seat is yours?
- Aisle
- Middle
- Window

What part of the plane?
- Business class
- Exit row
- Coach

What do you buy at the airport newsstand?
- Magazine
- Candy
- Sleeping pills
- Nothing. Waste of money!

Time for take off! How are you going to kill time?
- Read my guide book
- Sleep
- Watch a movie
- Look out the window and think

What are you going to eat on this flight?
- Cookies, pretzels, chips
- Pasta, roast chicken
- Grain bowl, salad
- I don’t know what they’re serving, but I’ll eat it…

Do you like chatting with strangers in your row?
- Yes
- No

They're bringing out the beverages! Whatcha gonna have?

Do you lean back your seat?
- Of course
- No, it’s rude

Window up or down?
- Up
- Down

Do you wear ear plugs?
- Yes
- No

How often do you use the airplane bathroom?
- Rarely ever
- Once or twice
- 3-4 times
- I get up constantly but that’s also ‘cuz I like to walk around

What's the smallest plane you've flown on?
- Tiny propellor plane
- Small local plane
- Mid-sized airplane
- I only fly the big 747’s

You've landed in your destination. What's your first move?
- Check into hotel
- Check into AirBnb
- Meet up with tour guide
- Pick up my rental car

Do you look like the photo on your ID/Passport?
- Yes
- No
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