Offred Did What? Think You Can Remember Everything From Season 1 of The Handmaid’s Tale? We Bet You Can’t!

Every show you binge, you mainline a season’s worth of information, story, and drama all within the course of about a week(end). Normally, this would be paced out over the course of months and you’d remember more of it. Now, you watch a show in it’s entirety – WAIT A WHOLE YEAR (almost) – then, try Show More

Every show you binge, you mainline a season’s worth of information, story, and drama all within the course of about a week(end). Normally, this would be paced out over the course of months and you’d remember more of it. Now, you watch a show in it’s entirety – WAIT A WHOLE YEAR (almost) – then, try to pick up where you left off. Um, what? Well, that’s how we watch TV now. Binge or bust!

So, how well do you stack up with The Handmaid’s Tale? Remember getting sucked in to Hulu’s breakout revolutionary show last year? Well, it’s back with season 2 and you need to hit refresh on your brain in order to actually jump back into it (You need a warm up before you start running again, right?). Well, that’s why we’re here. We bet you forgot most of what happened, and that’s fine. We’re going to quiz you on it!

Consider us study buddies for an apocalyptic dystopia! We got you, let’s go.

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While most things in Gilead suck, there's government endorsed ritualized rape of the handmaids, which wins for "Things That Suck The Most." What's the technical name for this?

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  • The Red Center
  • Daily Bread
  • Amazing Grace
  • The Ceremony
  • Whispering Hope
  • The Work

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!