What Profession Should You Have Studied?
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Have you ever heard the expression “do what you love, and the money will follow”? That’s all well and good, but what if you’re not sure exactly what it is you love to do?
Find out what career you should have gone into…Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quizShow More
Have you ever heard the expression “do what you love, and the money will follow”? That’s all well and good, but what if you’re not sure exactly what it is you love to do?
Find out what career you should have gone into…Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

What do you look for in an ideal workplace?
- Interesting coworkers.
- Job security.
- A good challenge!
- Flexibility.

Who's your dream celebrity dinner guest?
Steve Jobs.
Stephen Hawking.
Oscar Wilde.
Michelle Kwan.
Maya Rudolph.
Jane Goodall.
Dalai Lama.

You just got your tax return back, and it’s a lot more than you expected. What do you spend it on?
- I invest it! Why spend it when you can grow it?
- Books: piles and piles of books.
- I give it to my favorite charity.
- Two words: Apple Store.
- An amazing, exotic vacation.
- A big screen TV!

If you had to have a terrible boss, which would you pick?
- A moron.
- A dirty jokester.
- A bundle-of-nerves.
- A lazy bum.
- A know-it-all.
- A screamer.

Quick! Which pet do you like better — cats, or dogs?
They're man's best friend for a reason...
Cats rule, dogs drool.

If you could take only one thing onto a desert island, what would you bring?
- A friend, so I don’t completely lose my mind.
- Food and water! I’d like to survive…
- A swiss army knife, because you never know when you’ll need it.
- My smart phone, obviously.
- A journal, so I don’t get totally lost in my thoughts.
- My kindle, so I don’t get too bored.

Pick a magazine.
- Forbes.
- Sports Illustrated.
- Wired.
- The New Yorker.
- National Geographic.
- Vogue.

Being the boss: too much work, or would you be drunk with power?
- Ugh, too much work for me.
- Drunk with power!

Your best friend is getting married, and she’s just asked you to help out with the wedding! What task do you tackle?
- Creating maps and a guidebook of important and interesting information for any out-of-town guests.
- Choosing the outfits for the couple’s wedding party.
- Booking the hotels, flights, and car rentals for their honeymoon.
- I politely decline — I’d rather just be a wedding guest and get her a really nice gift instead.
- The seating arrangements — deciding who sits where is extremely important for the evening’s ambiance.

Where should you actually be living right now?
- Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Raleigh, North Carolina.
- Cleveland, Ohio.
- Portland, Oregon.
- San Francisco.
- New Orleans.
- Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- New York City.

What’s your idea of an awful workday?
- Never seeing the sun.
- Physical labor.
- Public speaking.
- Listening to people complain.
- Being pulled in multiple directions.
- Not having any electricity.

You just got a new washing machine, and it broke almost immediately. What do you do?
- I ignore it and spend the rest of the day musing about the fragility and impermanence of life.
- I tinker with it, and try to figure out the design flaws — what went wrong and why — so I can fix it myself.
- Immediately write a letter to the CEO of the company that manufactured it, demanding a refund or replacement…maybe both.
- These things happen. I call the repairman and schedule an appointment. It’s still under warranty, after all.

What’s your favorite movie genre?
- You might say I have a flair for the dramatic.
- Documentaries, my dear Watson.
- Indie films you’ve probably never heard of.
- Comedies, LOL.
- I like to lose myself in science fiction and fantasy.
- Foreign films, bien sûr.
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