What Disney Quote Should Be Your Parenting Philosophy?
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Maybe you run a tight ship like Mary Poppins, or maybe you have a bit more of a “Hakuna Matata” approach to parenting. Either way, it’s clear that Disney movies have taught us a lot of things. Love your siblings, love yourself! But did you ever stop to think that Disney movies might be teaching you Show More
Maybe you run a tight ship like Mary Poppins, or maybe you have a bit more of a “Hakuna Matata” approach to parenting. Either way, it’s clear that Disney movies have taught us a lot of things. Love your siblings, love yourself! But did you ever stop to think that Disney movies might be teaching you about parenting? Well, now that we’ve peaked your interest, it’s time for you to prepare to take this quiz! We’ll tell you which Disney quote matches your parenting philosophy. Are you more of a worrier like Belle’s father? Or maybe even like Nemo’s dad? Or are you someone who is calm like Aurora’s mom? Either way, Disney movies are full of memorable quotes and we figured it’s time to pair parents with the best of the best Disney messages!
Find out which Disney motto suits your parenting style!

Your kiddo drew all over the wall. How do you handle it?
- Call my mom to vent, while I wash it off
- Tell them “no,” make sure they understand, wash the wall, and get on with my life
- Tell them what I love about their drawing, before washing it off
- Laugh it off
- Honestly? Get frustrated with them, but do my best not to scream

We all want the best for our kids. What do you hope they grow up to be?
- Strong
- Humorous
- Carefree
- Dedicated
- Giving

For a busy afternoon of running errands, what is your go-to outfit?
- It doesn’t matter how busy I am — I’m always dressed to kill
- I stick to a pretty basic outfit — but I always make sure to accessorize
- If I’m running all over town, I wear my most comfortable outfit, of course
- Who even has the time to think about what to wear?

How would you describe your parenting style?
- Fun — I’m a cool Mom!
- Kinda overprotective — but in a loving way
- Easy-going
- Mellow
- Permissive

Which Disney mom are you most like?
Queen Elinor
Fa Li
Queen Leah

What's your favorite weekend hobby with the munchkins?
- Movie night — their choice!
- A beach or pool day
- Wherever the weekend takes us — it’s always an adventure!
- The playground — once we’ve finished all our chores
- A family picnic in the park

Uh oh — your kiddo just lost their first soccer game. What do you tell them?
- Let’s go out for ice cream!
- Walk it off, kiddo
- You’re still an all-star to your family!
- As long as you have fun, that’s all that matters
- Don’t worry, you’ll do better next time!

Where are your kids right now?
- Studying, of course
- I’m not sure — I tend to let them do what they will
- They certainly aren’t helping around the house like I asked them to…
- Doing their chores

What do you most want to teach your kids?
- How to succeed in the real world
- Kindness and hard work
- Strength
- Self-reliance

It's playtime! Where do you take the kids?
- Outside, so we can explore nature
- To the kitchen table — it’s time to get out the puzzles!
- I’m a little too busy for “playtime”
- To the park, so all the kids can play together

The perfect mom...
- Works in the interest of her children’s future
- Respects her children
- Loves both her children and herself
- Always knows what her kids really need

Your child's new best friend is kind of a bad influence. How do you handle the situation?
- Explain that their friend is no good, and that they shouldn’t see each other too often
- Warn them not to get into trouble, but let them make their own decisions
- Forbid them from meeting without my explicit permission
- I let the play together, but only when I’m around to supervise

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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