Do You Have What It Takes to Stay Fit AND be a Parent?
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You’re a parent. That means that in between trying to do normal “adulting” things like working, paying bills, and trying to avoid setting your house on fire while cooking, you are also responsible for the lives of tiny little humans who come to depend on you for all their needs.
It’s exhShow More
You’re a parent. That means that in between trying to do normal “adulting” things like working, paying bills, and trying to avoid setting your house on fire while cooking, you are also responsible for the lives of tiny little humans who come to depend on you for all their needs.
It’s exhausting. But you’re also committed to fitness because you have to set a good example.
How exactly do you do it?

How do you identify?
- Male.
- Female.

How do you feel after sprinting across the room to catch a glass of falling milk?
- Like you just ran a marathon. At least you think that’s what that feels like…
- There’s no way you would make it in time, so you just grab a towel instead.
- Warmed up! In fact, you do lunges back into the kitchen.

When it comes to the school bake sale, you’re most likely to bring:
Homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Low-sugar, organic energy bars.
Nothing, because your kids forgot to tell you about the school bake sale.
A package of Oreos.

What fitness class best suits your personality?
- Spinning: you’re used to spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
- CrossFit: there’s no challenge too great and you hate to be bored.
- Yoga: you pretty much master “corpse pose” on the couch every night.

If you could take a vacation — ha! — you would like to go to:
Sleep. All you want is sleep.
Somewhere you could hike and explore.

When it comes to dinner, your kids love when you make:
- A pretty balanced plate of protein, carbs, and veggies with a small dessert.
- A call to the pizza delivery guy.
- Anything in the shape of an animal or covered in cheese.

What is your philosophy on laundry?
- You do it in phases, and are often stuck in the phase of denial that you should do laundry.
- LOL — Laundry. Overflowing Laundry.
- Cleanliness is next to godliness, which is next to the detergent you use every day.

Yay! Summer is here! What kind of camp are you going to send your kids to?
- Whatever one they will actually go to without complaining.
- Boot camp. Time to whip them into shape!
- Music camp would be music to your ears.
- Culinary camp: You could use some help in the kitchen.

What will you do when your kids move out?
- Sleep. A lot.
- Remodel their rooms into your personal fitness facility.
- Send them links to online articles on Facebook and then text them at least twice a day.

Let's say you have a cardio machine at home — a treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc. Describe how you would most likely use this cardio machine:
- As the reason you don’t have a gym membership, even though you forgot you had that machine.
- Daily. If it’s around, you have no excuse not to use it.
- It’s the perfect place to hang damp laundry.

What is your preferred choice of drink?
Bottled water.
A protein shake.
Anything with alcohol.

Which decal would we find on the back of your car?
- A “26.2” sticker.
- One of those stick families because it reminds you just how many kids you have.
- “Wash me” written in the dirt on the window.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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