Which Democratic Presidential Candidate Are You?
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With the primaries half a year away, it’s time to start thinking about which Democrat you’ll be supporting. Does your favorite candidate share your views? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an optioShow More
With the primaries half a year away, it’s time to start thinking about which Democrat you’ll be supporting. Does your favorite candidate share your views? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Mass shootings have become a major epidemic in the United States. What should we do to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands?
- The gun industry must be held accountable. We need better background checks for purchasing firearms and close loopholes that allow guns to be sold without a background check.
- Strengthen background checks, encourage information sharing between states, and reject federally mandated conceal carry.
- We need to ban assault weapons and expand federal background checks, but states should handle certain aspects of gun purchases.

If you could vote for one of these presidents again, who would you want to see back in the Oval Office?
Bill Clinton.
Barack Obama.
Jimmy Carter.
Martin O'Malley.

Most young people need to borrow thousands of dollars in student loans to get degrees necessary for entry-level jobs. What’s the best plan for tackling the college debt epidemic?
- College students often drop out within their first two years because of costs. We should have two years of free tuition at state colleges, and help graduates refinance for a lower rate.
- Our goal should be for all students to have debt-free college within five years at any in-state or public college or university.
- Higher education institutions should be held accountable for controlling costs, the federal government should provide education grants, and interest rates on student loans should be cut.

President Obama has announced that the U.S. is committed to taking in 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next few years. What would be your plan to help those in need?
- We’re a leader in the free world and can handle accepting as many as 65,000 refugees. But we do need to have a proper, in-depth screening process.
- I’m not sure what the magic number is, but we can’t turn our backs on refugees. We must do what we can to protect them from ISIS — with a proper vetting process, of course.

What would you like the next President's pet to be?

The United States incarcerates 25% of the world’s criminals. Many of them are serving time for minor drug offenses. What efforts should be made regarding criminal justice reform?
- Reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for low-level drug offenses, and invest in job-training for those who have served their sentences.
- We should prioritize treatment and rehabilitation for non-violent offenders and treatment for those with mental illness.
- We waste a lot of money on over-incarceration. Let’s spend that money on education and job training to prevent repeat incarcerations. We should also reform and demilitarize police forces.

Speaking of drugs, should recreational marijuana be legalized on a federal level?
- I’d like to see more research on how it’s working out for the states that have legalized it already.
- It should be legal on the federal level, but up to the states to allow it.
- I’m not sure yet, but I support legalizing medical marijuana.

Scientists agree that climate change is caused by human activity. Droughts, floods, extreme storms and ocean acidification will drastically reshape the planet. What do you propose we do to prevent further damage?
- Climate change is the #1 threat to national security and we’re already too late. Let’s transition away from fossil fuels, invest in clean energy, and revolutionize our existing infrastructure.
- We can start with investing in renewable energy, like solar panels, and aim to fuel American homes with renewable energy in ten years.
- There’s a lot we need to do against this real and natural threat. Let’s curb greenhouse emissions, keep domestically produced oil and gas in the U.S., and end subsidies for fossil fuels.

ISIS, a.k.a ISIL, is the biggest terrorist threat to the world. What do you think we should do to win the war on terror?
- We shouldn’t send ground troops – that should be up to regional forces. But we should provide air support to fight against our enemies.
- I’m not sure if we should send forces just yet. Any plan ought to have a clear timeframe and Congress should set real, clear parameters for ground troops.
- We should do what we can support our allies against the Islamic State, but leading the fight is not going to solve the problem. Let’s support refugees trying to escape.

Although the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare," has helped millions get affordable health insurance, there are still 36 million Americans uninsured. What can we do to improve the health care system?
- Obamacare is well-intentioned, but it doesn’t go far enough. We ought to have a single-payer system so all Americans can get health care when they need it.
- Work to strengthen Obamacare, but focus on providing universal access for certain services and preventing illness.
- Obamacare is great. We need to strengthen it and get all states fully on board.

One percent of Americans own at least 40 percent of the nation’s entire wealth, but the middle class carries an unfair tax burden. How can we fix this?
- Double taxes on capital gains and dividends for the wealthiest, close deductions for corporations and hedge funds, and use that money to lower taxes for the middle class.
- I’m not sure about raising capital gains taxes, but we absolutely should close corporate loopholes and lessen the middle class’ burden.
- We should use tax increases to fund job creation, provide tax deductions to job creators, and raise the minimum wage.

We are a nation of immigrants, but allowing undocumented immigrants to stay is complicated. What do you think about it?
- We should allow undocumented immigrants an opportunity to become citizens and pass the Dream Act to allow undocumented students in-state tuition rates at colleges and universities in the states where they grew up.
- Undocumented immigrants should be offered a path to citizenship, or at least legal status. We should also hold back on some deportations, especially for immigrants brought to the US as children.

What would the White House Christmas tree look like if you’re in office?
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