Which Disney Character Are You Based on How You Speak?
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Disney has created some characters with distinctive speech patterns. Can we figure out who you are based solely on your words?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for Show More
Disney has created some characters with distinctive speech patterns. Can we figure out who you are based solely on your words?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!
Have you ever had the sudden realization that you are using a word completely wrong?
- More often than I’d care to admit.
- I don’t say much, so this doesn’t happen too often.
- I tend to mispronounce things more than misuse them, since I learn most of my vocabulary from books.
- No, I usually use words oddly on purpose.
- It’s probably happened in my life, but I don’t dwell on it.
Do you ever use words that other people don't understand or find too complicated?
- Every now and then, but I try to speak with my audience in mind.
- This has literally never happened to me.
- Yes, but it’s usually on purpose.
- This happens to me pretty often.
- I’m usually the one who is confused.
What is your life motto?
- Silence is golden.
- A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
- Do or do not: there is no try.
- The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it…or learn from it.
- Have I ever been wrong?
Do you ever say things out of order?
- I like to play with word order sometimes.
- Only for melodramatic effect.
- No, I try to keep my sentences as proper as possible.
- I’m sure I’ve screwed it up once or twice.
- Oh probably. I never know what I’m saying.
Do you sing in the shower?
- All the time. Also outside of the shower.
- No, I’m more of a dancer.
- Definitely. What else do you do in the shower?
- Probably every now and then.
- I don’t sing.
A friend of yours is having some trouble with a family member and you give them advice. How do they react?
- “Why can’t you say anything straightforwardly?”
- They usually seem really relieved and take the advice.
- They usually smile and thank me and then do none of what I said. I think they don’t take me seriously.
- I don’t really give advice. I just give them a hug.
- They usually tell me I sound smart.
How do you get people to pay attention to what you're saying?
- I don’t usually have to do much. I speak with a lot of gravitas.
- Sometimes I’ll smack them upside the head.
- I try to use logic to get people to pay attention.
- I yell.
- I get up in their face or gesture a lot.
What is your favorite word?
- Snarfblaster.
- Eloquent.
- Asantesan a squash banana.
- Hiccups.
- Luminous.
How often do you tell jokes?
- Constantly. I’m known as a clown.
- More often than most people realize. I come across more serious than I really am.
- I do more physical humor.
- Only when they serve a useful purpose.
- Not too often. My humor isn’t my strongest quality.
You have to teach some kids. How do you approach the task?
- I read to them, or speak to them like small adults.
- I sing and tell silly jokes.
- I take them seriously and don’t dumb down my language, but try to meet them at their own level.
- I play with them. Words will come later.
- I prefer to teach with practical lessons and action than through speech.
How often do people get confused by the way you change topics?
- People seem to have a very hard time understanding the connections my brain makes.
- It’s not uncommon, but I usually do it on purpose.
- I tend to stick on topics too long rather than changing them.
- People don’t pay much attention to me, so they often get confused about what I’m saying.
- It’s pretty rare for someone to miss my transitions.
What is your favorite topic?
- Religion or philosophy.
- Literature.
- I like to explain objects and inventions to people.
- I like to give advice.
- I like to talk about what’s going on right now.
Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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