Which Disney Character Is Your Opposite?
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Most quizzes will tell you which Disney character you’re most like — but this isn’t most quizzes! Haven’t you ever wondered which character is your polar opposite?
We’ll magically reveal the answer…Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answerShow More
Most quizzes will tell you which Disney character you’re most like — but this isn’t most quizzes! Haven’t you ever wondered which character is your polar opposite?
We’ll magically reveal the answer…Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

What totally normal word makes you most uncomfortable?
- Moist
- Succulent
- Crusty
- Soggy

Where would you love to live?
New Orleans

What would you take the most pride in doing?
- Helping those in need
- Embracing my powers
- Proving myself as an equal
- Building my own business

Your dream job is to be a(n)...
- Chef
- Politician
- Artist
- Historian

You've come up against an obstacle in life, and there are two ways around it. Which do you pick?
- Choose the smoothest course.
- Take my own path.

What's the secret to true love?
- Communication
- Equality
- Acceptance
- I’ll know it when I find it!

An enchantress has cast a spell on you! You can only eat ONE thing for the rest of your life — but she's feeling generous, so she'll let you choose. What do you pick?
Chocolate cake

Secretly, you think your enemies are jealous of...
- Enemies? What enemies?
My passions- My dreams
- My determination

What scares you the most?
- Being alone
- War
- Losing my job
- Saying goodbye to those I love

Your best friend, an archeologist, has agreed to take you along to a site. While helping her excavate some artifacts, you come across a rare, magical object — and you'll be keeping it! What is it?
Magic lamp
Magic glowing flower
Magic wand
Magic mirror

Every Disney character needs a Happily Ever After. What does that mean to you?
- Finding inner peace
- Having good friends
- Achieving my dreams
- I’m not sure, but it isn’t what’s happening now!

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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