Which Superhero Duo Are You And Your Best Friend?
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You’ve probably imagined what superpower you would have if you could have one, but have you ever imagined how you and your bestie would translate into super world?
Find out which super bestie duo you’re most like!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit Show More
You’ve probably imagined what superpower you would have if you could have one, but have you ever imagined how you and your bestie would translate into super world?
Find out which super bestie duo you’re most like!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

When you first met your best friend, did you click right away?
- We were pretty much polar opposites and didn’t think we’d ever get along
- Oh we clicked alright — maybe even a little spark
- It felt like we had always known each other! It was amazing
- It took some time for us to warm up to each other; it was hard to see what we’d have in common at first
- We were thrown together by work, but we got close very quickly

Do you and your bestie talk about serious things very often?
- I have never said a serious thing in my life
- We understand each other really well, so we share even the hardest things
- Our relationship is more doing-things-together than talking-together, but if we need to discuss something we will
- We’re not very good at “feelings” but we communicate the important information to each other
- We’ve had a volatile relationship, so there are times when we talk more or less, but eventually we share everything

Have you ever felt a little something...more towards your best friend?
- Some people like to see it that way, but no way no how
- We’ve never even thought about it
- More than a little
- I will flirt with anyone and everyone! There’s always a little somethin’ somethin’
- Maybe in a very, very, very different world

Do you think you and your best friend are very similar, or more of an opposites attract situation?
- We’re polar opposites, but we that’s why we’re so fun!
- At first glance we might look different, but we have a lot of similarities deep down
- We might be a little too much the same — sometimes we need a different perspective
- We’re so similar, some people accuse us of being the same person
- I think we’re just in the sweet spot: we have a lot of the same interests, values, and goals, but different talents

What would you most likely find your bestie wearing?

Your best friend decided to do something colossally stupid and potentially dangerous. What do you do?
- I try to talk them out of it, or protect them
- I try to get them not to do it, but if they insist, then I’m going with them
- No way are they going to go do something that stupid — I won’t let them!
- I’d put on a cheerleader skirt and egg them on!
- I’m definitely going to be right next to them — they’ve probably got a good reason for what they’re doing, so the least I can do is keep an eye on them

Does one of you naturally take the lead when you're hanging out?
- Yeah, we have a leader/follower dynamic
- We’ve got more of a mentor/mentee relationship — one of us tries to be in charge, but the other doesn’t always listen…
- We’re definitely equals; sometimes one of us takes the lead, sometimes the other
- I like to think that I’m the more charismatic and leader-esque of the two of us, but realistically we’re on pretty even footing; the story is definitely about me though

Do people ever find your friendship weird?
- There’s a bit of an age gap between us, so some people question it
- Our relationship is so normal it’s painful
- Weird? No. Unhealthy? Maybe…
- I think they see us as brothers/sisters, even though we’re not related
- Yes. I love it!

How do you express affection?
- Gruff, fatherly advice
- I tell my friend what I like about the things he/she does
- Teasing and mocking
- I like to be pretty open with my feelings and let my friends know when I care about them
- Sharing important and hard things

Did you meet your friend by choice, or by circumstance?
- We have similar pasts that drew us together
- We work together
- We chose each other
- We were thrown together by circumstance as…not really friends, but we chose to keep hanging out

Do the two of you tend to keep to yourselves, or are you part of a larger group?
- We do have a big group of friends, but they annoy me — I’d rather be on my own!
- We aren’t very social people, but we have a couple other close friends
- It’s always been just the two of us
- Other people come and go, but we’re really a core team of two
- I’m too much of a pain in the butt to have more friends

Are you protective of your best friend?
- You had better not hurt them or I will rip you apart with my bare hands
- I do feel like I need to take care of them sometimes
- I know they can take care of themselves
- I wouldn’t ever admit it to anyone, but I do want to make sure they’re safe

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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