Can We Guess Which “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Character Is Your Soulmate?
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer will always be one of our favorite shows — and with good reason. No character was one dimensional, and that included love interests. We’ve all probably imagined ourselves with one of the Scooby Gang’s paramours before, but who should you really be with?
Find out here,Show More
Buffy the Vampire Slayer will always be one of our favorite shows — and with good reason. No character was one dimensional, and that included love interests. We’ve all probably imagined ourselves with one of the Scooby Gang’s paramours before, but who should you really be with?
Find out here, once and for all, if you’re meant for Spike, Angel, or maybe even Buffy herself!

First things first — who are you into? We don't judge!
I'm into men.
I love the ladies.
Anyone who strikes my fancy, that's who!

Your new honey is taking you out on your dream date! What are you two lovebirds going to get up to?
- Team up to fight demons!
- We’ll just have a nice chat over a cup of coffee
- Make a home cooked meal at my place
- We’re going to go out dancing!
- Have a drink somewhere
- We’ll go see a midnight screening of a movie
- Go to a fancy restaurant — it’s a classic choice for a reason
- I don’t date. I’m way too intense for that

What will you get to talking about?
- Oh, random gossip, this and that
- Funny stories from my past
- Literature
- Geeky stuff!
- I dunno, sports?
- Spiritual stuff.
- Soap operas — I can’t get enough of them!
- I prefer silence.

What personality trait do you find the most attractive?
- Kindness
- Wisdom
- Swagger
- Enthusiasm
- A good sense of humor
- Confidence
- Stoicism
- Blunt honesty

Everyone has a particular "type" they're attracted to, whether they believe it or not. What's kind of person do you like to date?
Bookish and nerdy
Smart and ambitious
The strong, silent type
Bad to the bone

What does true love require?
- Passion!
- Shared interests
- Stability
- Honesty
- Trust
- Umm…stuff?

What kind of relationship are you looking for right now?
- Something mature and relaxed
- Serious, but also kinda mellow
- Something with intense chemistry
- I want someone who will worship me
- I’m totally ready to settle down
- Nothing serious, if that’s what you mean
- Star crossed romance, like Romeo and Juliet
- Something that will make me feel alive!

Everyone has dated people who weren't right for them; does your ex cast a shadow over your new relationship?
- I suppose so; though, the shadow is a bit larger at full moon…
- I don’t think so, but they do keep talking about their daddy…
- Nah, they actually haven’t really had too many real relationships before.
- Come to think of it, as far as I know, very few of their exes do cast shadows at all…
- A shadow? Pfft. Try a hammer.

You and your darling are have a little bit of a disagreement on an important issue. What happens next?
- We discuss it, and the more qualified arguments win.
- I persuade them with my wiles.
- They follow whatever I tell them to — I know better, anyway.
- They think they’re responsible for making the decision, and don’t even ask me! But they do feel guilty later…

Time to be honest with yourself: when you're dating someone, what's your worst quality?
- I have anger management issues.
- I can be verrry jealous.
- I don’t exactly share my feelings easily.
- I tend to lie. A lot.
- I don’t let myself get attached.
- I’m not a very good listener.

How do you let your sweetie know you love 'em?
- Presents!
- I like to help out around the house.
- I just listen to them.
- Cough cough…um, that’s personal.
- Why, I tell them of course!
- I get involved with their hobbies.

No pressure, but...will we be hearing wedding bells any time soon?
- Yikes. I’m not the marrying kind…
- I’ve had it all planned since day one.
- Oh wow, that is a loooong way away from my mind.
- Ugh, don’t give them any ideas.
- Not now, but maybe in the near future.
- Already there, baby!

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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