Will You Stick With Your 2018 New Year’s Resolution?
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It’s 2018 and time to ring in the new year! Pop some champagne, find that special someone to kiss, and of course, get busy writing those new year’s resolutions. Who do you want to be in this fresh, new year? You could commit to your health, you could find a new job, you could meet your mate, or Show More
It’s 2018 and time to ring in the new year! Pop some champagne, find that special someone to kiss, and of course, get busy writing those new year’s resolutions. Who do you want to be in this fresh, new year? You could commit to your health, you could find a new job, you could meet your mate, or you could travel to new places.
But more important than what you choose to resolve is whether you’ll follow through on it. Thousands of resolutions are made each year, but how often do you see them through the full year?
We’ve put together the ultimate in resolution quizzes. We know just what habits lead to successful goals, and we’re asking all the questions to find out if you’re set up for a successful 2018. Just tell us what you’re planning, and we’ll look into your future and tell you whether your resolution is going to boom or bust.

Let's start with the simplest question. What is your New Year's Resolution?
- Lose weight
- Find a significant other
- Quit smoking
- Exercise more
- Find a new job
- Save money
- Get more organized

Be honest: Did you stick with your goals in 2017?
- Yes!
- For a while, but it definitely slipped off after a few months.
- Not even a little bit.
- I didn’t set goals in 2017.

Do you have a plan for following through?
- Yes, I’ve got a few milestones marked out with dates I’d like to hit them.
- I know basically how I’d like to move forward, even if I don’t have the whole year mapped out.
- My goal is self-explanatory. I’ll just do it.
- I haven’t really thought about it.

Have you tried to make this resolution before?
- Yes, and I made some progress on it.
- No.
- Yes, and I didn’t succeed, but I’d like to try again.

Are you planning to track your progress?
- Yes! I have an app to help me.
- Yes, I’m going to write down each bit of progress.
- No, that sounds like a lot of work.

OK, so you set the goal. Do you do any of the following?
Write it down
Share on social media
ShutterstockTalk to family and friends about it
ShutterstockNone of the above

Go big or go home right? Do you want to do this all the way, or will you be satisfied if you just make some progress but don't reach your final goal?
- I’d really like to make it all the way. I won’t be satisfied with half-assing it.
- Every little bit of progress is something, and I’ll be happy to make any improvements.
- I’d really like to hit my big goal, but I won’t poo-poo the steps along the way.

It's a month into the new year, and you mess up: You miss a couple gym appointments, you still drink too much soda, you go out to the clubs on work nights. Whatever it is, you've goofed on this resolution. What do you do?
- Give up. Why bother at that point?
- I start to feel really discouraged. I try to keep up with the goal, but my heart’s not really in it.
- I’ve already failed the goal. I comfort myself with some ice cream.
- I look at all the progress I’ve made to this point and focus on what was working before.
- I recognize the places I made mistakes but don’t let it detract from where I succeeded. Time to jump back in!

You've reached your first milestone! What do you do?
ShutterstockKeep working. I'm not done yet.
GettyTake a break.
Reward myself.

Do you have more than one resolution?
- Yes, I’ve tried to focus on a few important areas of my life.
- Yes, I have a LOT of goals this year.
- Nope, all my energy is going to the one.

How do you motivate yourself?
- I think about why I want to achieve the goal and keep an image or memento of it close by.
- I have regular check-ins with myself to see how I’m feeling.
- I look at images of other people who have done what I want to do.
- I create a reward I’ll only get at the end, like buying a pair of jeans too small so that I’ll lose weight.
- I focus on the here and now — what can I do in this moment.
- I talk about my goal regularly.

Do you work with other people on your resolution?
- Yes, I find someone else with a similar goal and we do it together.
- I definitely ask for support and help.
- No, it’s more of an on-my-own type of a goal.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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