Can You Match The Gross Item To Its Grosser Purpose?
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There are different types of gross, and within those different types there are situational factors that can come into play that will determine if a gross thing is our kind of gross or not.
Some gross stuff we love because it’s gross, while other gross stuff we love despite its grossness. And thenShow More
There are different types of gross, and within those different types there are situational factors that can come into play that will determine if a gross thing is our kind of gross or not.
Some gross stuff we love because it’s gross, while other gross stuff we love despite its grossness. And then there’s the stuff that is so gross it is unloveable, but still sort of fascinating.
Amazon sells every type of gross product imaginable. We’ve collected the best of the best gross products – from those that help you solve gross problems, to those which are gross themselves, to those products that we love but only if we carefully don’t think too hard about their grossness.
- Hook this ____ ____ ____ on your leash and you’ll never be without it. I love my dog, and, like millions of other dog owners out there, I dutifully scoop her poop. (If you’re ever uncertain about who is in charge, remember that it’s us humans who pick up the dogs’ poop, and then walk around carrying it, not the other way around.) it’s a gross but necessary job that calls for a gross but necessary tool. This ____ ____ ____ keeps your hands well away from the dog’s business and it expands in case you’re one of the lucky humans who gets to carry an extra large poop sometimes.
- You don’t need a plumber, just a ____ ____! ____ is anything more satisfying than clearing your own clogged ____ by hauling out an unbelievably large, gross mass of hair and soap scum? No. It’s really the best/worst thing. And it’s a shock every time! Every single one of our ____s is hiding a lump of grossness. It’s amazing. Get rid of the grossness easily with these ____ ____ ____. The handle allows you to rotate the thingy while it’s deep in your ____ so you can be sure you’re grabbing up the entire mass of horror.
- This ____ ____ ____ ____ might be the thing to push your workouts to the next ____y level people who like to break a ____, sometimes want to break a little more ____. Who knew? This ____ ____ workout ____ is a sports stick gel that can be applied to targeted areas of your body that are maybe a little more workout resistant. Get your “problem zones” ____ing a bit more, and watch them respond faster. This isn’t a cure all weight loss miracle stick, but combined with exercise, it does seem to help target specific muscles or areas to add some extra oomph to your exercise.
- No list of gross products could be complete without mention of the ____ ____ ____ one way to get your winter feet into summer shape is to simply lose all your winter skin. Seriously. These extremely popular ____ ____ ____s help you do just that. Spend a little time with the ____ booties on, and then wait a few days. Soon you’ll be shedding your feet as if you were part snake. Gross? Absolutely. Does it work? You bet it does.
- Keep your home and garden free of pesky bugs with these ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ if you are a person who has gnats then you are a person who hates gnats. Kill all the gnats! These ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ are one of those things that are grossly satisfying. The more dead bugs you find on your ____, the more sinister and pleased you’ll feel. These ____ can be used indoors or out, so you can effectively murder all the gnats everywhere.
- ____ ____ is the latest craze in the high end beauty market. This is for real. Women spend insane amounts of money for beauty ____s and treatments made with ____ slime. ____ slime. Apparently, this ____ ____ works such miraculous wonders that the fact that it’s made out of ____ slime is totally forgiven. This particular ____ is an extremely affordable option for those wanting to try the ____ thing, and it boasts a 92% ____ secretion filtrate. (and that’s a good thing.)
- If you must interfere with your ____s, do yourself a favor and make sure you have a good ____ ____ ____ we all have that one friend who is totally into popping zits. So much so that she’ll eagerly pop other people’s ____s and happily watch (and share) the most incredibly disgusting videos of lancing boils and bursting cysts. You don’t have to be that person in order to appreciate a good ____ ____ ____. We all get the occasional doozy, and this ____ will help you dispatch with it properly.
- A ____ ____ is one of those things you don’t realize you want and need until you try it i’ve got some upsetting news for you: your ____ is gross. There’s just no getting around it. Don’t feel bad though. Everyone’s ____ is gross. Except for people who already use a ____ ____. If you’ve never used a ____ cleaner, believe me when i tell you that it really works, a gross film will be removed, and that your ____ will be lovely, clean, and pink when you’re done.
- ____ ____ are gloves for your feet I only know one person who is a die hard ____ ____ fan, and I cannot look at her feet. She, like I imagine other ____ ____ wearers, gets a lot of grief about her ____ choices, but she does.Not.Care. She swears by her ____ and cares more about that than about the opinions of her friends and family. Maybe there’s something to it. These ____ do have well over 1,500 glowing reviews.
- Keep your ____ from smelling gross with ____ ____ ____ ____ if your ____ smells bad, it’s because of a build up of fatty food deposits. Gross! ____ ____ ____ ____ breaks up those deposits and leaves your sink smelling lemony fresh. Selected review: a couple of these down your ____ with a little water and your sink/kitchen will smell instantly great. Perfect for when food scraps have been rinsed down the sink and someone forgot to turn on the ____.
- This ____ ____ can get into all the nooks and crannies not only is this blobby, bright yellow ____ ____ effective, but it’s also a lot like a toy. Maybe you can trick your kids into ____? Selected review: this stuff really works! You just smoosh it onto the keyboard, or whatever, and pull it off. Boom! Done! It lifts off all the dorito dust and tiny bits of smeg that accumulate in the tiny nooks of a keyboard. No crappy residue, no mess. It all sticks to the blobby ____ stuff… I must say, I’m satisfied beyond my expectations.
- This ____ ____ will dissolve your ____es if you have serious ____es that you’d like to not have, this ____ ____ will certainly do the trick. It’s probably best not to think too hard about it though. Selected review: this stuff is crazy, at first I didn’t think it was working because nothing really filed/rolled off my feet when I filed them after using, but what I didn’t realize was that the ____es just disappeared? Where did they go? Vaporized?… Seriously, vaporized all that mess into the ether.
- No drain ____ is too gross for this ____ ____ ____ when plunging and snaking and other drain cleaners fail, you need to bring out the big guns. For ____ged drains, that means this green gobbler ____ ____ ____. Even the name is gross. “gobbler?” but, when a gross problem arises, you need a gross solution. This drain cleaner liquifies hair, or any other organic material, in minutes. Liquifies hair. It basically gets rid of your problem walter white style.
- Some hairy situations call for a full ____ ____ some people love a hairy man, and some people don’t. But what to do if you love the man, but not the hairiness? Or, if you are a hairy man who wishes to be less hairy? Do you need to ask for help shaving your back? That’s awkward. Enter this ____ ____ to save the day. The long ergonomic handle allows you to shave your own back.
- Save a fortune on threading with this ____ ____ ____ ____ why go somewhere else and pay someone to tear your ____ out when you can do it for free in the comfort of your own home? Will this ____ ____ ____ ____ make ripping out ____ by the roots fun, joyous, painless? Nope. But it will be fast, easy, and thorough. Selected review: you will not be disappointed. So fast. So easy. As good as getting threaded without all the salon cost. This works incredibly well, I will likely never pay for professional ____ ____ removal ever again.
- The perfect gift for your friend with gallstones? A ____ ____ ____ of course! When a card and flowers just won’t do, you need ____ organs. Who wouldn’t want to recover from surgery snuggling with this ____ ____ ____? Don’t worry, your friends with appendicitis or ovarian cysts are covered too. You can buy a variety of adorable ____ organs including heart, stomach, uterus, lungs and appendix. Get a whole set for your cousin who’s graduating from medical school!
- This ____ ____ ____ ____ might be the thing to push your workouts to the next ____y level people who like to break a ____, sometimes want to break a little more ____. Who knew? This ____ ____ workout ____ is a sports stick gel that can be applied to targeted areas of your body that are maybe a little more workout resistant. Get your “problem zones” ____ing a bit more, and watch them respond faster. This isn’t a cure all weight loss miracle stick, but combined with exercise, it does seem to help target specific muscles or areas to add some extra oomph to your exercise.
- There is perhaps no product more aptly named than ____ ____ ____ as a parent, I’ve certainly encountered a few situations where ____ would have come in handy. You know those messes that make you stop and wonder if it would just be easier to burn your house down, or run away and change your identity? Had ____ ____ ____ existed back then, clean up would have clearly been the easier choice. (i did always choose clean up anyway, but there were some close calls.)
- Hook this ____ ____ ____ on your leash and you’ll never be without it I love my dog, and, like millions of other dog owners out there, I dutifully scoop her poop. (If you’re ever uncertain about who is in charge, remember that it’s us humans who pick up the dogs’ poop, and then walk around carrying it, not the other way around.) It’s a gross but necessary job that calls for a gross but necessary tool. This ____ ____ ____ keeps your hands well away from the dog’s business and it expands in case you’re one of the lucky humans who gets to carry an extra large poop sometimes.
- If you haven’t washed your face with a ____ ____ ____ is your face even clean? If a cocoon can turn a caterpillar into a gorgeous butterfly, it must have some powerful beautifying powers, right? What in the world are ____ ____ ____s, you ask? Glad you asked! They are actual ____ cocoons which, after soaking in water, can be placed over your ____ tip for an exfoliating, collagen boosting, acne reducing, amino acid and protein rich face washing experience like no other.
- You don’t need a plumber, just a ____ ____ ____ is anything more satisfying than clearing your own clogged ____ by hauling out an unbelievably large, gross mass of hair and soap scum? No. It’s really the best/worst thing. And it’s a shock every time! Every single one of our ____s is hiding a lump of grossness. It’s amazing. Get rid of the grossness easily with these ____ ____ ____. The handle allows you to rotate the thingy while it’s deep in your ____ so you can be sure you’re grabbing up the entire mass of horror.
- If you have gross stains in your toilets or sinks, you need this ____ ____ ____ selected review: amazing product for removing stains in toilet!!! I had hard water stains in toilet bowls which I had tried multiple ____ products on for more than 9 months (including filling bowl with bleach and letting it sit for days)…I was seriously contemplating replacing the toilets until I used this ____ ____…It worked!!! Toilets look brand new – great product, great value.
- If ____ ____ is an issue for you, you’re going to want to check out these life changing ____ ____ ____ never let them see you ____. With these ____ ____ ____ you never have to. Selected review: greatest thing since sliced bread if you are like me and ____ a lot (____s)! My sister got me these years ago as a joke and i told her it was the greatest gift ever. They really keep you dry and stay on… Works great for long sleeve blouses or button downs – heather nelson
- The grossness of ____ ____ is definitely part of their charm ____ ____ are one of those things that we love because they’re so gross. No one has ever used one without investigating its contents afterwards, hoping to find grossness. It’s disappointing to peel one off only to find nothing stuck to it. Instead, we want to see black gunk standing at attention, freshly torn from our ____s. The more the better. It’s gross but oh so satisfying.
- Why just swat at flies when you can electrocute them with an ____ ____ ____? This one is pretty grisly and gross and I love it. Having a ____ in the house is the worst. And how frustrating is it to sneak up for the swat only to have it ____ off at the last moment? With an ____ ____ ____ you can take out flies mid-air! I have a feeling that owners of this ____ ____ actually get excited when a ____ finds its way indoors. But the best part is that this thing works on mosquitoes too! How wonderfully satisfying would mass mosquito carnage be?
- Some hairy situations call for a full ____ ____ some people love a hairy man, and some people don’t. But what to do if you love the man, but not the hairiness? Or, if you are a hairy man who wishes to be less hairy? Do you need to ask for help shaving your back? That’s awkward. Enter this ____ ____ to save the day. The long ergonomic handle allows you to shave your own back.
- Keep your ____ clippings contained with these ____ ____ ____ ____ here’s something no one will tell you about parenting: your children’s ____s is the hardest part. From the terrifying act of cutting newborn baby ____s until the day your kids can fully groom themselves, you are periodically bound to this unexpectedly dangerous chore. Your kids’ finger____ clippings will hit you in your eyes. It will surprise you every time it happens, and you’ll say something about wearing goggles next time. But you’ll never wear goggles and your corneas will suffer. Unless you buy these ____ ____ ____ ____ which collect the clippings safely.
- Keep a pack of ____ ____ ____ ____ on hand and you will always be fresh and clean sweat happens. Unfortunately, showers don’t necessarily happen, at least not right away. Looking and smelling gross isn’t always an option. Whether you bike to work, squeeze in a walk during your lunch break, or just don’t have time for a workout and a shower, ____ ____ ____ ____ are perfect for a quick clean up. These extra large face and ____ ____ clean away sweat and dirt leaving you looking, feeling, and smelling clean and fresh.
- There is perhaps no product more aptly named than ____ ____ ____ as a parent, i’ve certainly encountered a few situations where ____ would have come in handy. You know those messes that make you stop and wonder if it would just be easier to burn your house down, or run away and change your identity? Had ____ ____ ____ existed back then, clean up would have clearly been the easier choice. (i did always choose clean up anyway, but there were some close calls.)
- If you haven’t washed your face with a ____ ____ ____ is your face even clean? If a cocoon can turn a caterpillar into a gorgeous butterfly, it must have some powerful beautifying powers, right? What in the world are ____ ____ ____s, you ask? Glad you asked! They are actual ____ cocoons which, after soaking in water, can be placed over your ____ tip for an exfoliating, collagen boosting, acne reducing, amino acid and protein rich face washing experience like no other.
- If you feel that your skincare routine is lacking ____, you’re going to want to try this ____ ____ ____ no one looks more youthful than newborn babies. What’s their secret? It’s the ____, of course! That nutrient rich sac of goo does wonders for your baby’s complexion. So why shouldn’t you benefit from the same treatment? This minion ____ ____ ____ is a highly concentrated serum containing ____% ____. It must be freaking amazing because people are buying it, using it, and loving it despite the fact that it’s a highly concentrated ____ serum.
- Keep your appliances running efficiently and reduce the risk of fire with a ____ ____ ____ ____ the flexible head on this ____ ____ ____ ____ can reach into spaces that you didn’t even know were gross. How clean do you think it is under and behind your fridge? Not only is it gross, but a buildup of dust, ____, and debris on your fridge coils or deep inside your dryer vent makes your appliances run inefficiently, which makes your energy bills higher. And, especially with dryer vents, it significantly increases your risk of fire.
- A ____ ____ mask might temporarily make you look like a monster, but it’s so worth it you will temporarily look like an extra from the walking dead, but that’s ok. You won’t mind once you see the results you get from ____ ____. Selected review: i own a salon and have worked in them for 19 years and never in my life have i used or seen something so amazing. I have read all about the hanacure facial but it is expensive and always on back order. This is the same thing and it works… It sucked every thing out of my pores and shrinked them and all of the lines on my face are gone. Yes gone.
- This ____ ____ ____ ____ will transform even the worst looking feet is this ____ ____ ____ ____ essentially a giant cheese grater that you take to your callouses? Yes, it totally is. But don’t let that deter you. Also don’t be deterred by the pile of skin shavings you’ll have after a few minutes of using this ____ on your winter heels. Instead, be grossly transfixed and then save tons of money on ____s because you aren’t going to get better results in a salon anyway.
- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ are the perfect gift for at least one person you know this is a real thing that works, but it also happens to be a great ____g gift. Maybe it’s your dad who loves to let loose re____rdless of who else is in the room, or perhaps it’s your poor lactose intolerant sister? We all know someone who would benefit from these ____ ____ pads. Simply stick the antimicrobial, activated charcoal pad in place and any ____ that passes through is neutralized. No bad smell!
- There might be nothing grosser than the huge bags of ____s reviewers collected using the ____ ____ ____ ____ if you’ve got a ____ ____ problem, you’re going to love this ____ ____ ____ ____. Selected review: it works!!! The ____ ____s were coming to it the second I hung it up. My only complaint is that the small bag provided would fill completely up in about an hour. I finally added a large kitchen trash bag to it, and you can see my one day haul in the picture. I filled an entire 5 gallon bucket with ____ ____s in one weekend. Just make sure to hang it as far away from your trees and bushes as possible.
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