Get Irrationally Mad At These 12 Random Things And We’ll Give You Some Life Advice

Are you an angry person? You might not consider yourself an angry person, but we bet you can think of the last time you were bonkers angry in extreme detail. How about the last time you felt pure happiness? Less detail? More of an intangible thing? Yeah, we had a feeling that was the case. Allow youShow More

Are you an angry person? You might not consider yourself an angry person, but we bet you can think of the last time you were bonkers angry in extreme detail. How about the last time you felt pure happiness? Less detail? More of an intangible thing? Yeah, we had a feeling that was the case. Allow your anger to lead the way…

Even if it’s small stuff, you’re going to get angry. Get all wound up about it. No one’s looking or judging. But, we’re going to give you twelve small seemingly insignificant anger opportunities and then let you run wild with your rage. Is it irrational? Sure. Anger is irrational (sometimes), but it’s also a guiding post for where you’re holding some tension in how you’re evolving as a human. We’re not your therapist, but we have a hunch about what kind of tough love you need to receive. Are you ready to hear it?

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You're out for the day when all of a sudden it starts down-pouring out of nowhere. It's basically a monsoon and you have NO UMBRELLA! What do you do?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Buy one
  • Wait it out
  • Rant about it on Twitter
  • Take it out on a stranger
  • Complain and commiserate to/with anyone within earshot

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!