Pick Your Favorite Pastries and We’ll Predict Your Love Life in 2018

Nothing is sweeter than the feeling of being in love! Well, except for your favorite pastries. Now that 2017 has come to a close, it’s time to move on and start thinking about the future. What does 2018 have in store for you? Are you ready to make a commitment, fall in love, end a bad relationshipShow More

Nothing is sweeter than the feeling of being in love! Well, except for your favorite pastries. Now that 2017 has come to a close, it’s time to move on and start thinking about the future. What does 2018 have in store for you? Are you ready to make a commitment, fall in love, end a bad relationship, flirt around, or focus on yourself? Whatever the fate of your love life in 2018, it’s meant to be. If you want to find out what your romantic situation for the year will be, tell us what pastries you’re going to be eating (after you give up on your resolution, of course.) Do you prefer croissants, macarons, muffins, or cinnamon rolls? What kind of pie filling also fills your soul? Are you more into sweets or does your palette crave a savory flavor? Answer these 12 questions about your favorite pastries and find out if you’re going to end 2018 single or taken!

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Good morning! Nothing like a carb-filled pastry for breakfast. Which do you prefer to start the day with?

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    Cinnamon roll
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What did you get? Let us know in the comments!