Prove You’re Not a Jerry With This Rick and Morty Quiz
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Rick and Morty is a show that defies all expectations. You might think you know what’s about to come next, but there’s always a new character, a plot twist, a planet or universe that you could never have predicted.
That’s part of its charm, but also part of what makes it so challenging to cShow More
Rick and Morty is a show that defies all expectations. You might think you know what’s about to come next, but there’s always a new character, a plot twist, a planet or universe that you could never have predicted.
That’s part of its charm, but also part of what makes it so challenging to contain in a series of facts. But if you’re a true Rick and Morty fan with the brilliance of Rick and the adoration of Morty, you will have a handle on every last detail of the show, whether it’s the bizarre catchphrases of Rick or the horrific failures of Jerry (please do not channel Jerry on this quiz though or you will definitely fail).
Grab your nearest Morty, head into an alternate dimension, and find some cool aliens! It’s time to do some Rick and Morty trivia and only the Rickest of Ricks will be able to pass.

Perhaps the most important question to start: what does wubba lubba dub dub mean?
- Please leave
- I’m a genius
- Let’s party
- I’m in great pain

What is the name of Morty's crush?
- Annie
- Jessica
- Summer
- Heather

A major plot point of the show is that Rick left Beth (and his whole family) for an extended period of time. How long?
- 10 years
- 15 years
- 20 years
- 30 years

Who killed Birdperson in a horrific turnabout during his wedding?
- Tammy
- Rick
- Beth
- Summer

It's not uncommon to catch Beth drinking what?
GettyRed wine
GettyWhite wine
GettyWine spritzers

In one episode, it's revealed that Rick has built a theme park inside of a homeless man. What is that theme park called?
- Anatomy Park
- Body Land
- Intestine Town
- Organopolis

Which implement does Rick use to travel between dimensions?
- Rift Ray
- Jump Laser
- Interdimensional Ray
- Portal gun

Morty does accidentally have a child who is half alien. What species is his non-human half?
- Smarkian
- Cromulan
- Gazorpazorp
- Gromflomite

Who are the creators of Rick and Morty?
- Rebecca Sugar and Trey Parker
- Matt Groening and J.G. Quintel
- Seth MacFarlane and Pendleton Ward
- Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland

What is the name of this character, who Beth shot (and then realized he was in fact a long time family friend)?
- King Flippy Nips
- Mr. Poopybutthole
- Squanchy
- Snuffles

Name the song Rick uses to save the Earth.
- Rock Hortz
- Get Schwifty
- Do the Bingortz
- Stop, Drop, and Slitz

What was Jerry's most successful advertising pitch?
- Hungry for Apples?
- Git Them Apples
- Big Apples
- Apples for You

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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