We Know What Superpower You’ll Get Based On How You Solve These Everyday Problems
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What superhero do you like the most? Would you want to have super strength like Wonder Woman or fling yourself around the city like Spiderman? Or would you shrink and grow at will like Miss Marvel? Well, that depends on if you’d be interested in life as a hero or not. You could just use your pyrokinShow More
What superhero do you like the most? Would you want to have super strength like Wonder Woman or fling yourself around the city like Spiderman? Or would you shrink and grow at will like Miss Marvel? Well, that depends on if you’d be interested in life as a hero or not. You could just use your pyrokinesis to make s’mores whenever you want. That’s up to you!
The point is, superheroes use their superpowers to solve large problems in their communities or the world. That’s what makes them heroes. But what about you? We’re sure you’re a hero in your own way, but let’s see how you solve these everyday problems to properly match you with your inevitable superpower you’ll acquire once the chemical plant near your house has a freak accident and you ingest some super compound that makes you… well, we’re just going to have to find out when it happens, won’t we? Until then, take this quiz and find your inner hero! Awaaaaaay!

Hey, the lid to this jar seems to be stuck. It won't come off! How do you fix this?
GettyUse a dish towel
GettyRun it under some hot water
GettyBang that sucker on the kitchen counter
GettyBottle opener? Can opener? Try all the tools you have!

Right when you least expect it - BAM! The wifi's not working. Now what?
- Use your phone as a hotspot.
- Call your internet service provider and complain
- Press every button on your router and hope for the best
- Steal your neighbor’s wifi instead!
- Go to a coffee shop
- Restart your computer. Bet it’s not the wifi after all…

Ew, you just sat in something gross. It's all over your butt and clothes. What do you do next?
- Tie a sweater around your waist
- Just get new pants
- Get the stain off in the bathroom (or at least try to)
- Just head back home. You can’t be out like this!

You just finished a good meal at a restaurant when you notice a sign that says "cash only." Too bad you only have cards. What's your next move?
- Head to an ATM
- See if they’ll make an exception just this one time
- Berate them for being behind the times and leave a nasty Yelp review
- Borrow some cash from a fellow patron and promise to Venmo them

You just got ghosted! Worst everyday problem EVER. Gross. How do you solve this?
- Text this person and call them out
- Screenshot their MIA status and put them on blast via a social media post
- Lure them out of hiding with a thirst trap and then YOU ghost THEM instead!
- Move on. Why bother with this trash bag?

You wake up with a hangover! Such fun, right? Fix this situation for yourself by doing... what?
- Eating something salty and greasy
- Sleep, time, lots and lots of water
- Advil and coffee, then hope for the best
- I don’t drink so this question is irrelevant.

You want to open this bottle of wine but you have no wine opener. How do you open this bottle?
GettyPush the cork in
GettyWine in shoe, bang shoe on wall, cork falls out. Bam!
GettyGet a large knife and cut the neck of the bottle off like you're in a rap video
GettyPut a screw in the cork and pry the whole thing off with a hammer

You just got caught posting fake news! How do you cover your tracks?
- Just own up to it in the comments section and apologize
- Defend the point you originally had because that’s what matters
- Take the entire post down
- Find a real journalistic article to back up your point anyway
- Call something else fake news to hopefully distract
- Laugh at yourself, play it off with a joke.

The mother of all embarrassing situations - you just asked if someone was pregnant when they definitely weren't! Ugh!! Do something!
- Say it’s because they’re glowing
- Say it’s because you heard they were trying and you’re happy for them
- Apologize, blame it on the cut of their top
- Apologize, blame it on yourself
- Apologize, blame society
- Apologize, don’t mention it again or make a huge deal about this whole thing and hope for forgiveness.

You're at a Halloween party (yay!), but you're the only one in costume (boo!). What should you do?
- Make the best of it on Instagram
- Joke that you won the costume contest
- Find a way to tone down your costume so you can survive the rest of the party
- Ask the host if you can borrow some of their clothes
- Stay for a drink then leave ASAP

You're watching one of your favorite movies with a close friend... and they're so bored. So adamantly disinterested. What should you do?
- Switch movies
- Full court press them to engage during your favorite parts. Otherwise, leave it alone.
- Explain why you love it while the movie’s playing
- Harass them every time they dip down to check their phones
- Let it play in the background and engage your friend on something they’re actually interested in
- Ask them why they’re not feeling it so much and figure it out from there

Cool booger hanging off your nose during an important work meeting! What's your next move, hot shot?
- Excuse yourself to the bathroom to fix it
- Ask for a tissue and just blow your nose during the meeting. Blame it on allergies.
- Swipe it away when the lights dim for a presentation
- Hope no one notices and/or wait until the meeting is over
- This is what shirt sleeves are for!

You have a giant, mountainous zit on your face the morning of an exciting first date with someone super attractive. Get rid of it! But, how?
GettyWitch hazel

Slept through your alarm, train's delayed, traffic's the worst. You're running more late to work than ever. What do you do?
- Text your boss
- Pick up donuts and hope no one gets mad at you
- Turn around and call out sick
- Wait 15 more minutes then offer to work from home. No use wasting a day!
- Just say you’re running late. What’s the big deal?

You're pulling in to a spot and accidentally hit a parked car. Crap! What do you do next?
- Leave a note
- Leave the car and find a new spot for your car
- Leave your car, move on with your day, and hope the other driver doesn’t notice or blame it on you
- Call your insurance company, file a police report, do the right thing
- Look around to see if anyone saw anything before you decide what to do

You're on a plane when some extremely rocky turbulence gives you motion sickness. This isn't looking good... what's your move?
- Puke in a barf bag
- Puke in the airplane bathroom
- Hold it in! Swallow it if you have to!
- Ask for a ginger ale to settle your stomach
- Try to sleep through it

You're at a family get together when your sibling points out that you have a giant hickey on your neck. How do you cover it up?
- Everything is better with a scarf!
- Run out to the drugstore to get concealer
- Sweep some hair over it
- Borrow one of your aunt’s giant necklaces
- Say it’s a rash or an allergic reaction
- Blame it on an exercise class

You're out hiking alone when you realize you're lost. So, so completely lost. How do you find civilization again?
- Call the park ranger
- Retrace your steps
- Hold still until you see a fellow hiker and ask them
- Keep walking. Everything’s a loop and you’ll wind up somewhere soon.
- Google where you are on a map and walk towards any road that’s close.
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